By Steven Carter
Why do so many people think they are experts on relationships now? We are constantly bombarded throughout the day with messages about how to make our relationships work, whether we are reading the paper or just watching TV. Some of the advice though is dangerous and just destroys relationships. America is believed to have one of the highest divorce rates in the world to prove that point! At around 50% then the divorce rate of first-time marriages is tragic, one in two couples who get married will split up again, it is much more than that if it is your second or third marriage.
In this short article I thought it would be interesting to stop looking at what you should do to make a relationship work, and look at the opposite - what to do to make it fail. There are three very simple steps to follow, and each one will leade you closer and closer to disaster. But there is hope! By truly understanding how to make something fail then you can also understand how to make it a success, then perhaps one day you will be someone who can give really good advice out to help people.
Step #1:
Go back every night and make sure you do the exact same things, over and over. Fall into a routine, and never change it up. It's easy to do. Just make sure you take your partner for granted. Just recognise that they are the luckiest person in the world to be with you, so now you don't have to do any real work.
The first step may take a few months to kick in, but you have loads of time. Just suck the romance and spark right out of the relationship, and then move directly to step 2.
Step #2:
Do fun things...but make sure you exclude your partner. Make it obvious your partner takes a backseat to your friends. Of course you will do something with your partner, unless you get a better offer.
If your partner decides to take your time up by having a birthday on a night you go out, then make sure you go out with your friends. You'll probably have more fun with them, than hanging out by candlelight with your partner, right? Make a saucy remark about every even slightly hot guy or girl that passes when you are with your partner. Dribble and drool as well for extra effect.
Make your partner feel unappreciated, worthless and insignificant, then step seamlessly into step 3.
Step #3:
You've made it! You're relationship is now on the verge of collapse. Your partner is bored and full of self-doubt. You can finally feel good about lying or having an affair. After all, it's all about you.
Make telling lies a habit. If he or she is nagging you about not spending enough time with them, just make an excuse. Make up some story about working late on some big project when really you are out with someone hot from the office you know they are insanely jealous about. Once they find out what you are really upto then that is bound to end the relationship.
Not to worry. It is not as if you put any effort into making your relationship work anyway.
The End
If you're looking to end a relationship fast, follow these simple steps. It's as easy as 1,2,3!
For free date ideas to help wow your partner and build a super strong relationship head over to
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Saturday, May 31, 2008
Destroy Any Relationship - A Quick 'How To' Guide
Posted by Davinci at 5:38 PM 0 comments
Labels: Destroying Relationship
Single Again After 30
By Alex Rocklane
There are of different reasons one might find oneself single beyond the age of thirty. It could be that you have simply never made the time to seek out the right person, or maybe you spent the better part of your twenties chasing after the one you thought was the one. Divorce is a big reason many people are finding themselves single again in their thirties, which can make it even worse. Not only are you getting over a heartbreaking ordeal, now you are expected to start dating after being part of a couple for so long? It's really no wonder why so many people have a hard time getting "back out there".
Being single is difficult enough the first time around. Being single again after being in a relationship for a long time is even more difficult. When you add those two factors and throw in the basic difficulties of dating after the age of thirty you probably won't want to leave your house. Once you pinpoint the things about dating that you find worrisome, you can face them head on and before you know it you'll be enjoying yourself with someone special.
For the post-thirty demographic, dating has its share of challenges. For one thing, the number of single people starts to dwindle as you get older and your options appear to get fewer and farther between. If you happen to have come out of a marriage with a couple of kids in your wagon, it adds another layer of complication. You want to find someone that could potentially love your children as much as you do but it is difficult to find. One positive part about dating at this age is that your peers are much more likely to have kids too. You always want to find someone that shares your interests--your most important ones!
Chances are pretty good that dating is much different now than it was the last time you were single. Simply the advances in technology that have been made in the last five to ten years have opened up a world of possibilities for dating. You don't have to go out on blind dates fixed up by your friends if you don't want to. There is something to be said for finding your own dates, and that may include joining an internet dating sight or two. Speed dating is a pretty popular trend, but it isn't for everyone.
If you are looking for more conventional ways to meet people, don't worry, those still exist too. Throw a party and ask your friends--single or married--to bring a few single friends and extend the invites a little beyond the people you know directly. You will tend to be much more comfortable on your own turf and being the host or hostess gives you an automatic conversation. It would be rude not to greet every attractive member of the opposite sex, wouldn't it? If hosting isn't your forte, join a book club, wine tasting group, volunteer organization or whatever piques your interests. You end up having a good time whether you meet anyone or not.
Dating after thirty is not quite the nightmare that people might make it out to be. This is a time in your life when you know more about yourself than you did ten years ago. Take a moment to look back at the youngster you were the last time you were single. Think about how much you have grown and learned, and be glad for that knowledge. You are much more likely to pick the right partner if you first know who you are.
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Posted by Davinci at 5:33 PM 0 comments
Labels: Being Single
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Are You Making This Mistake When Trying To Chat Up Girls?
By Benjamin Wise
When it comes to chatting up girls it is often that we seek out techniques rather than taking a good look at what we are doing ourselves. Let me give you an example. I was on vacation recently and as usual with a bunch of guys we would go out on the town, have a meal and a few drinks then check out the local talent.
When we are out we ran into lots of girls, and I do not know what it is about being on vacation but people seem to be far open to conversation and having fun. Girls actually chat with you and it is easier to chat with them.
As a result we meat some wonderful women and had a great time. However while doing this one girl said to me, "what is up with your friend", he looks kind of grumpy or out of sorts. At the time I just shrugged it off but over the coming nights I started to watch what he was doing.
Most of the time his arms would be folded and he had nice big frown. He rarely smiled and came of as being disinterested and generally shut down. What was interesting is that I saw some similarities in my own demeanor. I did not do this on purpose, but it just happened unconsciously.
This actually surprised me. Now what was also interesting is what we think of girls, especially if we are attracted to them. We start to think, "she is out of my league" or she is out for hot guys with lots of money and all other sorts of thoughts. This thinking then actually affects your body language and your behavior towards them.
To conclude, do not take my word for it cause I may be some cuckoo. However watch your own actions, observe the way you think and act. You may be surprised at what you discover.
Guy's if you are serious about getting the girl of your dreams then you need to seriously work on solid techniques to achieve your goal. If you know what a girl is thinking it is far easier to approach her.
If You want to learn the tested psychological secrets of the female mind given to you by a woman because after all only a woman truly knows what a woman wants, then select one of the following links... You can learn this and a lot more.
Learn what you NEED to know before approaching a woman.
Ten Commandments to Win Over a Woman. You can learn this and more with the " Guys Guide To Girls.
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Posted by Davinci at 10:44 AM 0 comments
Labels: Chatting Up Girls
Knowing The Signs Of A Controlling Relationship May Help You
By Jane Hatfield
If you knew the signs of a controlling relationship would you do something about it? A lot of people wouldn't. Why not? That's a very good question and there are a lot of answers to that but this article will identify the most obvious signs that a controlling relationships exhibits. These signs are blatantly obvious to the most casual observer and it behooves you to take note of them.
You'll also notice that your social circle of friends begin to diminish the longer you stay in a relationship that shuts out the world. If you've been wondering why your friends don't come around on the weekends the answer may be right in front of your nose.
Attesting to the actual controlling person involved it may be that they may not even realize the impact they are having on themselves and on the people most closes to them.
After reading this article you'll be able to spot the signs of controlling relationship and bring to the forefront this behavior to the person actual exhibiting the signs and giving you an option to do something about it.
So let's go into what obvious signs are related to a controlling relationship. Physical treatment is definitely a sign in which pushing and shoving is an occurrence that happens regularly. If it shows that temper is uncontrollable and things are said that aren't meant is another sign that you should be looking out for and the emotional impact that temper comes out with is sometimes unforgivable.
Not being interested in social activities and mingling in public social circles is a sign that control is needed in order to be happy or at least content about the situation.
If you do notice that your social circle has been shortened in the aspect of not being invited to parties or get togethers by your friends is a subtle sign that you shouldn't dismiss lightly. Your workplace environment is one of the key places where you socially mingle as well and if people shy away from you socially you have to start to wonder why.
These are just but a few of the signs of a controlling relationship will have and as a last resort you can confront the actual person that exhibits these behaviors and ask them if they realize what is happening.
In actuality they may not know the impact because they've grown up that way all their lives. They may not have been loved and cared for like they were supposed to when they were kids. Now that they are in a relationship they don't want to lose what they have so they start putting on restrictions so that they don't lose them.
In reality the affect is just the opposite. Nobody likes to be controlled nor chained to any one person and sooner or later a day of reckoning will come to them.
Controlling people always seem busy getting things together and don't have time to relax and enjoy the moment. Controlling people never seem to have time to talk to a person one on one and really listen to what they have to say because of their inward sickness to control. If they listen to someone else they believe they will lose control of even the conversation and that can't be handled by them.
Struggling with change is almost an impossibility with controlling people as well since that means fear of the unknown. Change is foreign to them since they don't know how to control that aspect of life so they stay away from it.
Knowing the obvious signs of a controlling relationship should alert you to do something about it, especially if your social circle of friends becomes smaller and smaller. If you see this happening to you it is your responsibility to bring it up to your partner and see if something can be changed in your relationship in order to make your perception of life a bit better and to have the relationship get back on keel.
If you want to know how to prevent a breakup in the first place then this particular website will give you a video interpretation of what you need to do in order to have peace in your life. Even if you are already separated, wouldn't it be nice to know on what to say to start over again? Visit and see for yourself.
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Posted by Davinci at 10:25 AM 0 comments
Labels: Controlling Relationship, Signs of Controlling Relationship
Friday, May 2, 2008
Depression From Breakup of Relationship
By Chris Dreyer
A lot of time when a relationship ends you either does not know why, or you know why but just do not understand why that mattered. Weather it is mutual or one person held most of the blame, there is usually some amount of depression on either one or both sides.
If you are experiencing depression form a break up then you really have options even if you did not think you do. One of those options is to dwell on it, and let it get you down and hope that you will get over it soon. The other option is to do something to help you get over it.
If you dwell on it, you may realize what is going on and get over it real quick, but if you don't have the luxury of getting over depression after a break up then, you can wind up in a bigger state of depression than you started out in. It is like your digging a hole and you can either stop and use the ladder while it still reaches the top, or you can keep digging until even with the ladder you can't get out. You have the chance of getting so far down that you miss out on life while it passes you by and you do not even care.
However if you chose to get over the depression by taking actions to either avoid it altogether or bounce back faster than a bouncy ball you may find yourself a whole lot happier. When you need to get a jump start on getting out of your slump, then try getting together with your friends. Not as a bashing on the breakup, but more as a support system to help keep your mind off of everything as well as continue on with your normal life.
Just by doing everyday things, you are on the road to getting over the depression and being able to have a normal relationship in the future. When you can walk in to a store and see your ex and have a civilized conversation, then you know you're on the right track. If you need to then just take up a task to replace all those phone chats or emails. You would be surprised what you find that you enjoy and you may even find something that could turn into a healthy life time hobby.
When you get out of the depression from the breakup of a relationship, you are not only doing yourself a favor by making it easier to have a normal life, but you are even helping yourself for both future relationships, and if it comes down to it again, then helping yourself get over the breakup of other relationships if needed.
As for the other people around you, they will benefit from your return to your normal life, by having you around and also the insight you can provide if they ever need help getting out of a breakup slump.
To win back your ex girlfriend check out: How To Get An Ex Girlfriend Back.
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Posted by Davinci at 8:42 AM 0 comments