Thursday, January 31, 2008

Chatroom Dating Tips and Safety

By Nk Kr Singh

Chatrooms are a great place to meet potential friends, and perhaps a potential partner. What's nice about chatroom dating is you don't have to dress up and pass visual inspection to go there and enjoy some great conversations.

The anonymity of a chatroom means that if you mess up or do not want to continue to get to know the other people or person, you can just leave the chatroom. If you do not want to be known by who you were, then you can simply change your nickname. Keep in mind, this is not a license to be obnoxious, but it does give you plenty of room to practice making friends with strangers.

Here are some tips to help you out when using chatrooms:

STAY SAFE -Protect your identity

If you want total control of the information that is revealed to the world through chatrooms, do not use your personal or your work-related email. You should sign up for an email account specifically to use for chatting online. You can use a provider like Yahoo!, Gmail, or Hotmail. If the chatroom you like to use has a profile link, be sure to keep the information you provide generic, like just your age and gender.

Don't reveal private information

Be careful about the information you give in casual conversation. Don't give any hint of your work place, your home town or other personal info that can be linked to where you come from. It is vital that you use common sense when using a chatroom.

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Master Tricks to Help You Become a Man no Woman Will be Able to Say no to You - Be Stunningly Smart

By Pushpa Pal Singh

Have you ever had a woman say no to you for something? Have you ever faced rejection? Have you ever come across women who just play too hard to get no matter how hard you try? Well you are in a situation where the female has the upper hand over you and it becomes extremely hard to get a yes response from them. No matter what type of tricks you might try you will always end up being played by them. But there are some earth shattering tricks which when applied can help you achieve stunning results. Read on to discover what these tricks are and be absolutely mind blowing...

Never be a wussy- Some men are simply wussies and find it extremely hard to refuse or say no to a female. They would end up saying yes for anything and everything. They prioritize the female above everything else they might have running in their life. You see under this situation you will always get a no response from a female as she would be in the leader spot and she would drive you instead of you driving her.

Never get into a woman's test zone- The moment a female starts testing you, you lose the game that very moment. You see once women feel the freedom to test you they would just fire you up with all sorts of question you might or might not be able to answer but will feel somewhat insulted when asked. Therefore never let a female test you.

Make a strong first impression- When you start strong you always end strong and this is something which is extremely important in the dating game. You see in order to get a yes response from women you need to make a strong impression and make her feel that you are not the one who would take no for an answer.

What you don't know yet- Ever tried to wonder what's in a woman's mind? What is she thinking about? Do you know that women do not always mean what they say? They might say something and mean the exact opposite. But what do women actually want? Do you know there are some secrets women don't want men to know but men absolutely must know these secrets in order to succeed with women? Read on to discover some of the most "Shocking Secrets" women don't want men to know- 9 Most Shocking Secrets Women don't want men to know

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Some Essential Dating Tips To Help You Find Your Perfect Match

By Rohit Chopra

Every person enters the dating arena with high hopes of finding a good match and having an enjoyable time. However, not everyone is successful in the dating game.While it may apparently seem that dating is something that comes naturally and does not require effort to be put into it, this is not the case.It is true that attraction between the opposite sexes is natural and does not have to be forced, but what ultimately matters is how you go about the process of presenting yourself and forging a relationship.

Not everyone is adept at expertly handling dates and add to it the doubts regarding dating that often creep up into nervous minds, and you have the perfect recipe for a botched up date.It is therefore absolutely imperative to consider certain essential dating tips that are designed to bring you success irrespective of whether you are a novice or a veteran hand at dating.

Most essential dating tips:

Give your dating effort a positive start- the most fundamental of all dating tips is that even if you have been a loser so far do not lose heart.If you believe in yourself you are sure to achieve success. Firstly, make up your mind about what you desire and then pursue it with zeal.

Be realistic in your objectives- this is an essential dating tip if you wish to avoid disappointment.If you opt for someone much older or younger than you, remember there could be perception differences and the possibility that your expectations may not be fulfilled.This is something you must be prepared to accept and move on.

Make a good first impact while the first impression may not necessarily be the last impression, they definitely do matter.Remember this essential dating tip and make some effort to put forward a pleasing personality.While your looks may not be something that you can alter,grooming your personality is in your hands, so give it a shot and you will not be disappointed.

Enjoy yourself- one of the most essential dating tips that is lost in the maze of appearance, presentation etc, is to enjoy yourself.Do not be unduly worried about whether or not the relationship will move forward, just ensure that you have a pleasurable dating experience.

There are certain essential dating tips with respect to online dating.

Be honest- it is very crucial to provide an honest profile while dating online, if you wish to have a long-term relationship.Lies may take you as far as one-night stands and no further.Once you meet in person, your true self will be discovered and it may well mean the end of the relationship.Take precautions- remember that you really do not know the person on the other side, even if you have been chatting online for quite some time.A very essential dating tip therefore, is to firstly agree to meet in person only if you feel comfortable about it, do not succumb to pressure in this regard.Next, ensure your safety by not meeting in a secluded place the first time but instead opting for a public place. Do not ask to be dropped home as it would reveal your place of residence; it is best to exchange only phone numbers initially.

It is quite possible that in spite of your best efforts you may not be able to find your perfect match soon enough.One essential dating tip is not to despair but keep trying while in the mean time enjoying and having fun.

About the Author: Rohit Chopra has written several useful articles on Dating tips like online dating tip, dating tip for men, dating tip for teen, etc. Get more useful information on Romance and Dating Tips at

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Making love last

By Simon Jordan

Would you like to have a wonderful relationship with your partner where you are truly a team, loving each other like you did when you first met. Maintaining that spark, that fire?

Then read on.

We all have 6 basic human needs. And these needs are:

1) To have certainty - to feel safe
2) To have uncertainty and also variety - to have change
3) Significance - to feel important to someone
4) Connection and Love
5) To have growth - If we aren't growing we are going backwards, or worse dieing
6) Finally to have contribution - to give back something.

The first four are the most important and must be met if a relationship is to survive.

In many relationships where a couple have children, I have found the woman gets all her needs met by her offspring. She will get unconditional love, significance, connection, certainty and variety as all parents know. No day is the same with children around. The mother may also get growth, as she has to adapt to the children's needs. And finally she will also get contribution as she is bringing them up. If we are talking about a typical family here. Normally when this happens the partner can sometimes lose the love of the woman or man. Or that they don't show it as much because he or she subconsciously feels they get all their needs met from the children. The husband feels shut out or pushed aside, so he starts to hold back love as well, and so the situation starts the downward spiral.

I have seen this happen in many, many of my clients. I am now going to tell you something that might seem alien or strange but listen up You and your partner come first. Children come second. Not the other way round. If you are both happy and strong together then the family unit is strong. Period! It is essential if not vital that you should look after each other first. I tell my clients that they need to imagine themselves as a jug of water and the children as beakers. The children need to be filled up by you, but if you are empty you have nothing to give. Fill you life up, look after yourself and your partner so you can both fill your children up and all become stronger, happier and a unit.

So how do you find out about how your partner gets their 6 needs met. Simple, ask them! Ask your wife or husband. Find out how they feel certain. Is it from knowing that you will always be there? That you're reliable. That you work as a team and make decisions together. How do you feel certainty?

Go through each human need and find out how you get them and how your partner feels they get them.

For love, is it when you are left little love notes, or is it when you are told how much you are loved, or by being touched? Find out what it is that makes you get your needs met and make sure you get them met. Check in with each other regularly.

Their will be times when you will subconsciously test each other to see if during a difficult time you can still rely on your partner to get your needs met. We all do it, as this is part of having certainty. If during an argument instead of slipping into an old habit and walking out which does not provide love, certainty or significance and if you always do it certainly won't be providing variety. Don't run out, stay in the room and ride out the argument together. Don't shut down, stay open and see what happens. You could amaze your partner, and become so much stronger.Some people put certainty above love. What this means is they won't truly offer their heart to you until they feel certain. This will lead to all sorts of problems. If you hold the needs for love above certainty then you are willing to put yourself forward. When you do this you can get so much back from life. I truly believe if you give love you get love. No man is an island. It's true; we are all connected and by giving love to your partner, no matter what, they will give you so much back.

So please, find out what you need to have your 6 basic human needs met, and find out what your partner needs from you to get his or her needs met.

When you satisfy any two needs of a person, you have a connection.

When you satisfy four of the needs you create a bond

If you meet all six then they will never leave you.

So find out what you need to feel satisfied and what your partner needs. Check in with them regularly.

Here's to a loving future.

Enjoy each other.

Simon Jordan is the internationally renowned coach and Founder of The Simon Jordan Foundation. For more information and a FREE health guide worth $50 to help you feel great, visit

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About Swingers and Swing Lifestyles

By David

There are many myths and misconceptions around swing lifestyles (or simply "swinging"). Just what is swinging about and who are the so so-called swingers?

There are many myths and misconceptions around swing lifestyles (or simply "swinging"). Just what is swinging about and who are the so so-called swingers? There are many myths and misconceptions around swing lifestyles (or simply "swinging"). Just what is swinging about and who are the so so-called swingers?

Swinging can be defined as the act of sharing yourself and your spouse with another couple, or other couples, with the full knowledge of all involved. It is the participants of this lifestyle who are referred to as swingers.

There quite a few myths and misconception about swinging and swingers. One common misconception is that swinging is the definition of swinging as "wife swapping." This definition is inaccurate in that it does not explain to explain the full range of sexual activities that swinging encompasses. It also gives the impression of a male-favored activity, which too is inaccurate as swinging involves full participation of both partners.

Another common misconception is that swingers are older couples who are bordering on being perverted. The swing lifestyle is composed of people of all ages, including ordinary next-door types who exemplify marital happiness.

In fact, one of the requirements for people seeking to join a swinger's group or party is that the couple must be reasonably happy in their marriage. The reason for this is that swinging should not be used as an escape from or alternative to an unhappy relationship.

Most people find it inconceivable that one would allow his/her partner to have casual sex with another person, stranger or not. But to swingers, this is an acceptable form of social recreation.

Swing lifestyles and activities are as broad and varied as are swingers. They include:

1. Soft swinging: Also known as soft swap, this is doing everything with another person except sexual intercourse. Usually they will stop at the last minute and switch back to their original partner. At this point they might choose to have sex with their own partner in front of the other people. Most first-time swingers begin this way.

2. Open swinging: This is when the couples swap (know as full swap) and actually have sexual intercourse in the same room or on the same bed. This includes threesomes, orgies, exhibitionism, voyeurism and anything in between.

3. Closed swinging: Usually a full swap, but sexual intercourse takes place in separate rooms. This is for those who feel the need for more freedom or don't like interruptions. This type of swing is mainly practiced by the more experienced couples, as a higher degree of trust is essential.

Why do they do it? Why would anyone want to be a swinger? Well, the reasons are as varied as the couples themselves.

One reason is the need to explore sexual fantasies without having to "cheat" on one's partner. Maybe they just want variety in their sex lives, or good old fun. The couple may have married too young and never had a chance to "sow their wild oats." And so on.

Does this mean that the couples never feel any jealousy? This is the biggest hurdle to overcome, especially in the beginning. Not all couples go through with it. A number of those who stick with it say that jealousy actually makes them even more sexually charged up, as well as creates deeper interest in their mates.
Some swingers claim that it is the actual giving or "letting go" in order to make the partner happy that is the essence of this lifestyle.

Obviously, not all couples can be swingers (this writer is not one) and this article is not about asking you to become one. As with anything else, swing lifestyles do carry certain liabilities and risks, which are subject of another article.
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About the Author: David Kamau writes dating articles and online dating reviews. Interested in swinging? Find the best dating sites for swing lifestyles now.

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Online Dating - A Passing Trend?

By Jim Mcmenamin

For anyone who thinks that online dating is a passing trend, I just bumped into an article that shows its popularity increasing. The study was based out of Great Britain by the dating agency Parship, and it makes two fantastic claims.

"Nearly eight million Britons used some form of online dating service in 2007, compared to 5.4 million who used a mixture of offline and online services in 2005."

"Over 53 per cent of singles intend to use the internet to meet someone in the future, rising to 65 per cent of 36 to 40 year-olds."

These statistics are incredible, and it shows that people don't attach a stigma to using online services. In fact, these statistics show that your network or pool of available matches is much larger than relying on the traditional method of hoping for a chance encounter.

The increased use of technology is the driving force behind this. People use email, text messaging and instant messaging while at work. We log onto the internet to get almost all of our news, and we use the internet to do research when we're in the market to buy something. People are comfortable using these mediums of communication, and online dating is just another extension of that.

Singles are increasingly aware that using an online dating service will drastically reduce the amount of time it will take to find that someone special. It gives you the benefit of "meeting" someone online without having to go through the time and expense of a traditional date.

You also are able to "meet" many different singles as well. You can have ongoing discussions and/or emails with multiple singles at once. This is not considered "cheating" in online circles. Once you've had a chance to get to know a little bit about a person, you can set about arranging that first face-to-face meeting.

The savings in time is well worth the small investment involved with joining a dating site. For $15-$25 per month, online dating sites offer real value for singles. Whether you are a single mother who only has time for herself once the children are in bed or a working professional who is constantly away on business, online dating provides you the perfect platform for meeting that someone special on your own schedule.

The quotations in this piece came from an article written by Clement James titled Single Brits Looking for Love Online at

Jim McMenamin is the webmaster and creator of, a blog dedicated to the various issues of online dating. For a limited time, Jim is giving away two free eBooks, 10 Tips To Writing Your Online Dating Profile as well as 101 Steps To A Happy Relationship, when you sign up for his newsletter.

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4 How To Keep A Man Happy Tips

By Erica J Miles

Developing a relationship with a man is something that takes time and a lot of hard work. This can be done in different ways. In this article we will take a look at four tips you can use to keep a man happy.

Otherwise, they may start going to someone else to make them happy. This is definitely not something that any woman wants happening. .

Here are some tips for ways you can keep your man happy with you and your relationship.

One: Every woman knows that when a man can do something that they enjoy such as watching sports, being with their buddies or anything else that men like to do, the man will be happy. So why not doing something with your man that they like because this will show them that you care enough about them to make an effort to do what they like. You may not want to do the activity your man wants to as much as him, but this is one way to keep him happy.

Two: Be spontaneous. This doesn't just refer to the bedroom though it definitely helps to make your man happy. You want to be ready to do anything at any time. Often times men do not make plans to do things. There are a lot of times that they just decide that they want to do something and then they do it. If you can be ready to go on a moments notice your man will be happy because he will not have to wait on you, or try to convince you to go with him.

Three: Give your man compliments and make them feel like they are the best thing that ever happened to you. Men like to feel important and to feel like you need them. Whether you do or don't is not important. You have to let your man know that they are important to you.

Four: Always be honest with your man. This may be a hard one to do for some but it is necessary because no one likes to be lied to, especially men. So be honest whenever you can because it will come back to haunt you if you don't.

These are only four small things that you can do to keep your man happy. There are several others and you might even have a few ideas of your own. No matter what you do for your man, if you want them to be happy than you have to make them feel good about being with you and make them feel good about themselves.

Erica Miles invites you to visit her how to keep a man happy webiste today. If you are a pro-active, progressive, an open minded woman, who understands that there is fierce competition out there, you will enjoy my site. For highly researched tricks and tips that will help you to keep your man from straying or leaving you please go here now.

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A Token of Love and Thanks

By Margene

The presentation of favors is one of the most memorable and gracious gestures at a wedding. Give unique and thoughtful gifts that create special memories of your special day.

A small favor for your guests to take home is not required but is a lovely gesture. What you choose to bestow is not as important as that it was given and presented with thoughtful care. Favors are a simple way to thank guests for sharing your special day with you and are sweet reminders of the celebration.

Many brides choose to give favors at a wedding luncheon or formal wedding dinner, where the guest list is a more intimate gathering of family and close friends. This allows you to put more time and money into meaningful keepsakes than if you tried to give a favor to every guest at a larger scale wedding reception. However, some brides opt to send home small favors with everyone who attends their reception.

Remember that with these tokens, what's on the outside is just as important as what's on the inside. Presentation is everything! Use ribbons, wrapping, boxes, bows, and bags to the best advantage. A wedding favor is another way to restate your wedding theme, so think of gifts that fit the style or mood of your wedding and wrap them in colors and ribbons that match the day.

The possibilities for wedding favors are endless. Wedding favors can be as elaborate or as simple as you choose. For the most formal occasion you might consider an engraved silver bell or personalized chocolate, while a bunch of cinnamon sticks tied with raffia would be perfect for a country affair.

Other ideas for wedding favors include the ever-romantic candle - a votive candle for each guest, or several long, thin tapered candles tied together with ribbon. A picture frame that matches your wedding theme would be perfect for the guests to take home to frame a picture from the wedding day. Edible favors are always a favorite!

Confetti to throw at the departing couple is a favorite tradition, and confetti of many kinds can be packaged as a wedding favor. Birdseed can be placed in small sachet bags and the contents tossed at the couple at the end of the evening. Sweet-smelling rose petals matching the colors of the wedding, boxed to perfection and tied with beautiful ribbon, make a lovely token of remembrance.

Other brides provide each guest with a bottle of blowing bubbles. A sky full of floating bubbles can make a fairytale-like escape for the couple as they leave the reception. For a summer night departure, or after-dark winter sendoff, have guests light sparklers and stand in a row, lighting the path to the couple's car with magical firelight.

Favors can be distributed in different ways. You can set the small gifts at each place setting at a luncheon or dinner. In this case, they can double as place cards or dress up a table setting. Alternatively, you can carefully bundle or prettily pile together on a table at a convenient location for guests to take one on their way home.

The presentation of favors is one of the most memorable and gracious gestures at a wedding. Give unique and thoughtful gifts that create special memories of your special day.

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About the Author
My Chocolate Favors offers a large selection of unique, elegant and personalized chocolate favors. Our website has a wonderful selection of wedding and party favors to reflect your own personality and taste. We specialize in personalized chocolate photo favors ~ your favorite photo printed right on the surface of delicious chocolate.

Monday, January 28, 2008

10 Important Online Dating Tips

By T J

Online dating is very popular these days. But while dating online has the advantages in its own, over the period of time this has been misused and is corrupted by many disadvantages.

Online dating is very popular these days. But while dating online has the advantages in its own, over the period of time this has been misused and is corrupted by many disadvantages. Online Dating is fun and convenient but still one has to be very careful while dating with someone they hardly know. The following are some online dating tips:

Start slow. In this online dating tip you are advised to be on the lookout for odd behavior or inconsistencies. If anything makes you uncomfortable, walk away for your own safety and protection.

Guard your anonymity. Another online dating tip is to never include your last name, real email address, personal Web site URL, home address, phone number, place of work, or any other identifying information in your profile or initial emails you exchange with other members.

Exercise caution and common sense. A good online dating tip where any suitor must earn your trust gradually, through consistently honorable, forthright behavior.

Request a photo. Another routine dating tip is to ask for a photo. Photo will give you a good idea of the person's appearance, which may prove helpful in achieving a gut feeling about your correspondent.

Talk via telephone. A valuable online dating tip is talking over the phone. It can reveal much about a person's communication and social skills.

Meet when you are ready. A good online dating tip is to never obligate to meet anyone, regardless of your level of online intimacy.

Watch for red flags. Pay attention to any displays of anger, intense frustration or attempts at pressuring or controlling you as a part of online dating tip. Be concerned if your date exhibits any of the following conduct without providing an acceptable explanation: - Provides inconsistent information about age, interests, appearance, marital status, profession, employment, etc. - Refuses to speak to you over the phone after establishing ongoing, online intimacy. - Fails to provide direct answers to direct questions. Appears in person to be significantly different from his or her online persona. - Never introduces you to friends, professional associates or family members.

Select the Safest Possible Environment. When you make the choice to meet offline, as an added online dating tip, always tell someone where you are going and when you will return. Leave your date's name and telephone number with that person.

Take Extra Caution Outside Your Area. If you are flying in from another area, an important online dating tip is to arrange for your own car and a hotel room. Do not disclose the name of your hotel and never allow your date to make the arrangements for you.

Get yourself out of a jam. As a final online dating tip, never do anything you feel unsure about. If you are in any way afraid of your date, use your best judgment to diffuse the situation and get out of there. Your safety is much more important than one person's opinion of you.

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About the Author: offers free online dating services, and is the easiest way to find your perfect match. Register now for free online dating.

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Cheating Wife: How To Deal With Cheating In Your Relationship and Marriage

By Cucan Pemo

Some believe that it is men who cheat more than woman. Most polls and studies, however, show that either the two cheat the same amount, or that women cheat more than men. It's not surprising, really. Women are very emotional creatures, and if their emotions are not catered to, they will go somewhere else.

This does not mean that it is your fault if your wife is cheating on you. The fact is, cheating should never happen. If a relationship is deteriorating that badly, the wife should be able to go to you, or vice versa, so you can discuss the situation.

Sometimes it is too late to fix the situation because your wife has already cheated. If this is the case, here are some rules you may want to follow when you're trying to handle a cheating wife.

Rule #1: Don't Always Believe What She Says

If you have proof of cheating, confront her with it. Explain to her that you know that she has cheated on you and tell her how it makes you feel. Depending on the type of woman she is, she may jump into the discussion with a lot of excuses.

Here are some classic ones: "What was I supposed to do? You weren't emotionally there for me." "I was just so lonely. You're never home." "It was a one time thing. A total fluke. It will never happen again." "I cheated on you because I know that you cheated on me. I was getting even."

Women tend to jump to the defense very quickly, which means that sometimes they do not know what is coming out of their mouth. She may say one thing during the discussion only to forget that she would even said it. Do not automatically believe what she is saying.

Rule #2: Don't Play 'Pin The Blame'

It is classic for a woman to turn the fact that she cheated back on her husband. She will claim that she only did so because he was not there when she needed him, or because she felt that he did not love her anymore.

Never let her place the blame on your shoulders. If you have stayed faithful to your wife, the blame lies entirely on her shoulders and no one else's. She is the one that made the decision to sleep with another man, and you should not feel guilty about it.

Rule #3: Watch Out For Friends

Some women will enlist the help of their friends. They will convince their friends to call you to say that your wife was not cheating, or that she only did so once.

Some will even say that it was them that was involved with the other person, and that your wife was only trying to help the relationship along. Unless the friends have proof, ignore them. They are just being faithful to your wife, which is a good thing.

After all, you should want your wife's closest friends to be faithful, even if their faith is a bit misplaced. But what goes on in your relationship is between you and your wife and no one else.

Rule #4: Therapy

If this is indeed the first time that your wife has cheated, and you want to salvage the relationship, you may want to suggest couple's therapy.Couple's therapy will give you the chance to talk to one another with a therapist present so that you can get down to the core of the problem and to what caused her to stray in the first place.

You will both be able to discover if you can forgive or not, and if the relationship will have a chance or if you should cut your losses.

If you suggest therapy and your wife will not agree to it, cut your losses and run. Any wife that wants to get her marriage to work will agree to at least trying therapy.

A wife who vehemently rejects going into therapy with you will probably not want to work to keep your relationship alive, so instead of going through months of pain and suffering, cut your losses as quickly as you can.

Wives may cheat for different reasons than most men cheat, but the fact is that they still cheated. Make sure you talk to your friends and get your own head clear, or you'll never be able to deal with her in a positive manner.

And remember: if the relationship is meant to survive, it will. Get all the help you need using all resources available and ask for advice from people who have experienced what you are going through. Do your own research. Nothing is impossible in this world and there is always hope.

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Understanding Women: What to Expect If You Are Dating and Courting A Single Mum

By Cucan Pemo

In today's society, it is not uncommon for you to date a single mom at some time in your life. This can be a problem for some men. They may not want to date someone that has children.

However, this cannot be controlled if they feel a special bond to them. The one thing to remember is that you are dating the person and the role of the person. A woman will want to be noticed and appreciated for every one of her qualities and not judged by a role that she is in.

Sometimes having children was not a situation that she wanted to be in but just one that happened and now it is her responsibility.

1) Exploring the Relationship

If you really like a woman and you want to go on and explore the relationship further, you will have to concentrate on the one on one part first. There will be a time and place to meet her child or children later on in the relationship.

It is first going to about getting to know her better and learn how to start trust each other. You need to move past the fact that she is a mom and worry about that a little bit later on. First, see where the relationship is going and what you are both feeling.

2) Accept the children's needs

You will eventually have to realize and accept that the children's needs are a going to be a priority at times. She does not really want to cancel an important date with you but if her child is sick or she cannot get a babysitter this is something that you have to deal with.

As a man, you will have to come to the realization that her children come first and they are the most important part of her life. You need to be prepared for any last minute changes or cancellations that can happen because she has other obligations at home.

Do not take it out on her when she does have to cancel for these reasons. It is not her fault or the fault of the child. It happens and it is best to be flexible and understanding when these things come up.

You need to make sure that you do not give her the guilt trip when she has to cancel plans or if something would come up. You need to make sure that give her a change to explain and make other arrangements for a next time.

3) Meet the children on her terms

When it does come time to meet her children, you have to do it on her terms and her schedule. Make sure that you are putting yourself in the shoes of the children for a minute. They have probably had a hard time with the separation of their parents.

This is usually a hard time to see his or her mom go out with someone else. You need to be patient and understanding. Try to be their friend but do not push them or expect too much at all. You have to be able to accept them for who they are and how they feel.

Give it time and you will see that things should work themselves out and everyone will get along eventually.

4) Never expect too much

You should not expect to be welcomed in by her children or other family members right away. You need to be patient and have understanding about what is going on. This is going to be a difficult transaction and one that needs to be dealt with care and devotion.

Having a good method of understanding with everyone is going to be the best way to get through this time. You cannot push anyone to like you and never act cocky or arrogant in any way.

Having common sense. Think about how you would feel if you were put in the same situation. You want to make sure that you are giving everyone space and time. Never push a woman into making her kids do something or giving her a guilt trip when she cannot go out with you. You do not want to make this a hard situation.

In fact, you can make sure that you are giving her support when it comes to this situation. She will appreciate you more because you are being so supportive and understanding with her and her children.

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Wednesday, January 23, 2008

5 More Tips for Making Your Relationship The Best Ever

By Ariole K Alei

A Guide for Singles and Couples Seeking True Love

Have you ever wished there was a 'guidebook' to navigate you through the maze of your relationship? Here it is! 5 of our most powerful 10+ Tips to Making Your Relationship the Best Ever. (See also our "5+ Tips" to glean the enormous benefits of our blissful love advice.)

1. Deep Listening

What we say is often not what we actually mean. Deep beneath the surface layers of our words lies our true message.

How do we listen to our partner's deep meaning?

We listen with our whole body. We relax into our body, take deeper and fuller breaths, and attune to the energy of their entire being. When we do this, we drop down inside ourselves into compassion. We 'bypass' our own fear, and we awaken to who they are in the moment, what they are expressing, what they most want, what they are asking for.

Deep listening involves so much more than our ears. When we listen solely with our ears, we listen in a conditioned way. We listen through our filters, our resentments, our assumptions and our own fears.

When we 'Deep Listen', our being is recognizing another's being.

This creates more trust. As we 'receive' our partner in a more holistic way, they feel safer and more completely accepted by us. This deepens our intimacy - as they naturally offer more of themselves to us.

2. "I am Grateful For ... I Forgive You For"

This is one of the most effective and relationship-transforming practices that my husband brought into the fledgling stages of our relationship. It goes like this ...

As you lie in bed at night - or sitting together on the sofa if you prefer - sense together (each evening has a different 'flow') who will speak first - and who will listen.

The speaker takes a moment to relax his or her body, letting its weight fall heavily into the sofa or the bed. Taking a few deep breaths, he or she then vocalizes 5 things that "I am grateful for" pertaining to his or her partner. Then he or she vocalizes 5 things that "I forgive you for". During this, the partner remains silent and deeply listens - without response or reaction.

Then the roles reverse. The listener becomes the speaker, and vice versa.
What develops - through this practice - is an opportunity to express and to receive reflections of how deeply we enrich each other's lives ("I am grateful for"). Plus it is an opportunity to express in a safe environment what we wish was different in our partner's way of being and living ("I forgive you for"). In silence as the listener, we have the tremendous opportunity of simply hearing what someone close to us desires we do or be differently.

My husband and I practiced this for approximately two years at the beginning of our relationship. We built such a foundation of love and respect and clear communication through this simple practice. Nothing was out of bounds to communicate or to hear. Our relationship is so incredibly honest and trusting as a result of this.

3. Shared Vision

The ideal relationship is one in which we are complements to each other - we each bring unique experiences, viewpoints and desires to our shared relationship.

The best relationships are ones in which a 'Shared Vision' grows. This Vision might include a homestead which nourishes both people and fosters greater depth in the relationship. A philanthropic project which gives both people - together - an experience of deep sharing with others. A company or business which is a vehicle for both people to share their passionate attributes. A hobby or travel destination which inspires both people and supports them to grow deeper in their love.

A Shared Vision can be anything. It is simply this - a desire which both people share to create something meaningful together.

This 'Shared Vision' becomes a magnet which draws both people deeper into themselves and simultaneously closer together. It brings out the best in them.
This 'Shared Vision' - just like the relationship itself - develops a life of its own. This ... is what makes a relationship so magnificent.

4. Love, Tenderness, and Laughter

No matter how robust two people are. No matter how athletic they are. No matter how much worldly responsibility they share. ... It is vital that you give Tenderness and Laughter more room in your relationship.

Love is borne of Tenderness and Laughter. Like play, it is in this energy field that we let down our guards, soften our underbellies, and expose our most precious elements to our partner.

Taking vacations together is one of the best - and easiest - ways to access Tenderness and Laughter.

It's essential, too, to create the space / time for Tenderness and Laughter in our day-to-day at-home lives.

A simple way to ensure its presence is to intend to find at least one moment every day to say a genuine "I Love You" to your partner. Not a rote one - words that are hollow. A genuine one. This may require you to slow down, let go of judgment and blame, and listen to them deeply.

What drew you to your partner initially? Is that quality or attribute still there? What has grown and opened since you met? What is special or unique about them?

Your not perceiving their greatest assets is not because they don't have them. It may simply be that you've become - temporarily - preoccupied with your own pain or frustration to notice them.

Slow down. Take a deep breath. And remember what you love most about your partner. Then say ... "I love you" ... from the depth of your belly, and the fullness of your heart.

... And notice how your relationship deepens and widens ... how much more bliss flows in.

5. Be In the Now

Most relationships crumble because one or both partners become snagged in the past. Blame, un-communicated challenges, and resentment are the primary causes of this.

If your relationship breaks down, it will likely be that one of these three have existed.

If you have chosen your partner as someone whom you can Respect, Play with, be an Ally in Growth with, Share a Vision with, and Trust, then your relationship will last blissfully long - as long as you both are growing concurrently.

All relationships end. They naturally end when the benefit of our being together has run its full course.

Most relationships end 'unnecessarily'. They end because one or both people built up resentment rather than taking responsibility for communicating something that was irritating them. Or they end because one or both people weren't Self Loving and therefore weren't open to truly giving and receiving love.

Your relationship blossoming into one of unparalleled bliss is completely within your ability.

Take a deep breath.

Go back to when you first met. Skip forward in time, picking up everything about your partner and about being together that still nourishes you. And let everything else go.

This is who you are together as a relationship now. Nothing else matters. Drop it.

Be the love and joy and appreciation that you are now.

Practice this regularly - every six months at least.

This will 'refresh' your relationship - just like cleaning a chalk board or refreshing your computer screen.

Your relationship is so precious. Practice these 5 Tips frequently. Keep training your mind to experience your relationship In The Now.

Ariole K. Alei is Co-Founder of HeartSongMatchmaking and SoulfulSinglesBlog. She is an Author, Keynote Speaker, Coach and Global Visionary.,

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How You Can Simply Tell If A Girl Likes You

By Benjamin Wise

Now while I know this can be difficult at times especially when you are really attracted to somebody that said it is possible. Being aware of the subtle hints can improve your confidence. Women communicate non-verbally to a great extent. You just need to know what to look out for.

In a working or social environment you need to pay attention to what is going on around you. No one signal is enough. You need to figure it out in context. When a girl likes you she may not make it very obvious. She like you fears rejection. Both parties like to stay in control of the situation.

Some girls are easier to read than others. Some have less confidence and make themselves more available to approach. When she is in conversation with others then here and there looks in your direction - it to an extent says that you are her focus of attention. When this occurs try and catch her attention and smile.

A smile is a very warm gesture, if she returns the glance with a smile then this signifies that she is comfortable with your attention. When and if you get into conversation with her you find that she starts to play with her hair and clothing it suggests that she is making sure that she looks her best.

One of the main reasons she would do this is to make you attracted to her. Furthermore if she sits up and pays attention during your conversation it reflects interest. People do not slouch when they are engaged with something that interests them.

Subtle warm facial gestures also prove to be a positive sign. A lot of us can look grumpy at the best of times. If all of a sudden we start to smile it means we are warming up to a given situation. The key is to understand how a woman communicates coupled with reading her body language. Get this right and you will be in a better position to go on a date with the girl of your dreams

Guy's if you are serious about getting the girl of your dreams then you need to seriously work on solid techniques to achieve your goal. If you know what a girl is thinking it is far easier to approach her.

If You want to learn the tested psychological secrets of the female mind given to you by a woman because after all only a woman truly knows what a woman wants, then select one of the following links... You can learn this and a lot more.

Learn what you Need to know before approaching a woman.
Ten Commandments to Win Over a Woman. You can learn this and more with the Guys Guide To Girls.

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Sunday, January 20, 2008

Second Marriage Pitfall #1: Why second marriages are more likely to fail

By Richard Nicastro, Ph.d.

Pitfall #1: You don’t learn from the mistakes you made in your first marriage.

Some important but unsettling news for those of you thinking about remarrying: More second marriages end in divorce than first marriages. And the statistics are even worse for third marriages. Intuitively, you might think the opposite would be true. After all, you’re definitely older the second time around, so you’ve got to be wiser, too. Right?

Many people who enter a second marriage don’t realize the specific challenges that come with remarrying. Awareness of these challenges should start with an understanding of the reasons why your first marriage ended.

Excuses like "I was too young" or "My ex was pure evil personified" are just that, excuses. You need to take a hard look at yourself to discover the reasons why your first marriage didn’t survive. You may feel reluctant to explore this painful time in your life, especially when you’re caught up in the pleasures of your new relationship. But this type of honest self-examination can only benefit your second marriage and lead to a more loving and lasting union.

Why is it so important to uncover the reasons your first marriage didn’t work? Simple. You’re human and like everyone else walking the face of the earth, you’ll repeat mistakes if you’re not aware of them. This means you’ll repeat the mistakes you made in your first marriage in subsequent relationships—especially if you don’t take the time and apply the effort to become truly cognizant of your relationship patterns.

So, in honor of your second marriage, ask yourself these three important questions:

How can I be a better spouse the second time around?

What types of things didn’t I do in my first marriage that I should do in my second?

What types of things did I do in my first marriage that I shouldn’t do in my second?

Revisiting these questions over a period of time can lead to deeper and more meaningful self-discovery. Don’t forget: Self-discovery and increased intimacy go hand-in-hand.

Find out how to create the relationship of your dreams: Sign up for Dr. Nicastro’s free Relationship Toolbox Newsletter at and immediately receive two FREE reports that will help you achieve your relationship potential.

Richard Nicastro, Ph.D. is a psychologist and relationship coach who is passionate about helping couples protect the sanctuary of their relationship.

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The Infidelity Coach Helps Language Her Pain over the Extramarital Affair

By Robert Huizenga

Shifting one's focal point away from the "offending" spouse and toward declaring one's standards and position is difficult but necessary in surviving infidelity. It is a key ingredient in healing and often is a factor in saving a marriage that wants to be saved. The example below touches on this process.

In the first section the person struggling with the marital infidelity summarizes the scenario or concern and what he/she would like to say to his/her cheating spouse.

I then outline some goals that help him/her break free from the affair.

The last and important section gets at shifting the focus away from the spouse/partner to him/her self. In other words, what does all this mean for the person on the receiving end of an extramarital affair? After that mental shift (which is NOT easy for someone in the pain and turmoil of perhaps losing one's spouse, family, and home) I, the coach, offer phrases that he/she can relay to his/her spouse in a way that speaks directly of his/her concern and has the best chance of being heard and getting positive results.

Section 1: The "offended spouse" says:

It feels like it will never be over. Not until HE acknowledges what he did and is able to accept my forgiveness and show that he has changed the way he lives his life. I honestly want to have cordial relationship with him, but because he cannot "own" what he has done he continues to act like a jerk toward me when there is no reason for it. I don't trust myself to pick another partner. I don't want to put anymore energy into developing a new relationship with another man. It is hard to keep my relationships with my in-laws, though we are very fond of each other and they have been very supportive of me.

Section 2: Possible action steps from the Coach:

>Shift focus from him and what he is not doing to declaring your own standards for a relationship.

>Learn to value your internal signals in relationships as having validity.

Section 3: What the affair means for the "offended spouse" and what he/she REALLY wants to say to his spouse/partner having the affair:

>This tension seems to drag on and on. I want to see an end. I need some hope.

>I want us to create a cordial relationship. I hope you want a cordial relationship as well.

>There are some standards I have for a relationship. I want to work on setting those standards, and want to talk to you about them.

>I struggle with reading the signals from you (or other men). I doubt myself. I question whether a calm loving relationship is possible.

What is your situation? Describe your situation. Let it flow. Don't hold back. Then, ask yourself, "What does this marital affair mean for ME?" What impact does his/her extramarital affair have on my feelings, thoughts and actions? Then rehearse approaching your spouse/partner with phrases that convey the meaning and impact of the infidelity for YOU.

Dr. Robert Huizenga, CSW, LMFT, The Infidelity Coach, is an author, and Marriage and Family Therapist. For the past two decades he has served hundreds of couples, specifically in the area of marital infidelity. He is author of "Break Free From The Affair." For information on his E-book go to:

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Relationship Dating

By Mary Rose

People often rush into a relationship dating and they want it all to work out right away. They become very concerned if the other person doesn't call them quickly or doesn't want to see them with increasing frequency. Often those expectations are simply unrealistic.Luckily ,or otherwise humans haven't evolved to the point of reading each other's thoughts yet.

Everyone loves romance, but how do we get it happening? We discuss below few relationship dating tips on how to win over your partner. These tips are designed to rekindle and build the romance with one's partner over time. Initially, relationship dating seems relatively simple and easy to work out. It is in the later stages that one has to devote more time and effort, but it will be definitely rewarded with positive response and appreciation from one's partner.

It's natural to look, normal to admire, but just downright stupid to vocalize to your partner when you find an opposite sex attractive. Depending on the relationship with your partner, it is wise to be tactful, keep your wits about you and your unabashed gawking can continue without serious consequences.

Never compare your partner to your ex, whether it is favorably or otherwise. Your companion trusts that you have moved on completely. Bringing up your ex in any light brings this all into question. It will lead to your partner developing an instant and all encompassing hatred for your ex. It is safe not to bring up the issue under any circumstances.

If you want to keep things in a good way, respect your partner the way he/she respects you. Choose your words carefully. Don't whine about your shortcomings. It will plant seeds of doubt into your partner's head. It puts you further under microscope and could eventually convince him/her that you are not good enough.

Don't stoop to the level of putting conditions. An unconditional relationship dating will get you a lot closer to what you want than trying this pathetic rationalization.It's an odd double standard that few people realize. Normally it is okay for a woman to put off sex feigning gas pains or just about any excuse. But if a guy is too tired for any matter, it rattles off the relationship. Try to explain to your mate in a rational way the reason for putting off sex.

Never make a loaded statement which questions your partner's tastes or likes. Always make your point in a subtle manner so that the message is delivered without hurting the companion's sentiments.

Finally don't curb your partner's emotional feelings. It is in your best interest to ride out the emotions and eventually work things out without resorting to clichéd response. Tell your partner what you love and adore about him/her. Look for opportunities to sincerely complement your mate. When you take the time to do that it will make your companion feel good about self, you and your relationship dating. Whatever you decide to do, the focus should be on your relationship and your love for one another.

Mary Rose has authored several books including books related to Dating,Love and Marriage.For more information log on

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Monday, January 14, 2008

How to win back your ex

By: Michael Malega

Take the time to read the following article, surely you will benefit from the research that has been conducted in order for it to be written.

As we know in our relationship with people we come across some situations that make us feel angry or make a wrong decisions. While we may have close and confidant feelings towards other people who enter our lives there is a chance that tomorrow we will not feel the same way. At this point you need to select what you are going to do with your relationship to your ex. You can see there are may ways to get the situation right if you want to win back your ex.

One way to win back your ex is to keep the communicating lines open. This will allow your ex the right and chance to ask any questions they want you to ask to get some misunderstandings to be resolved as soon possible in your relationship. When you look at the variety of articles which are usable with advice on how to win back your ex you will see different kinds of advice. Some of these will be helpful while others are just not what you are looking for.

One of the very first things that you will need to do if you want to know how to win back your ex is to think of the reasons why you both broke the relationship. The problems which were created during your previous relationship will need to be dealt with before you can move any advance forward.

While you may be ready to re- start the relation up again your ex will not value your expression that you want to get back together, if you are not willing to let in that there were faults on both sides of the relationship.

This individual inquisitory is very needful as you may want to know how to win back your ex. You should also realize that sometimes your once flourishing relationship may never be resurrected again if you will no willing to forgive each other and move further avoiding previous mistakes.

When you are analyzing the grounds why you want to rekindle a previous relationship you should be honest with yourself. Take the time to remember all of the good and badness parts of the relationship. This way you will see the problems which need to be mended before you think of how to win your old-timer back.

Hopefully you will have found some way of correcting the mistakes from your rather kinship to win back your ex. Taking back this love can be difficult. You will need to use all of your influence and sincerity in order to get your old ex to be conformable to talk with you.

Once these gates are open then you have the chance of beholding how to win back your ex. With some fate and a deal of hope you will soon be start a new united relationship with your ex... to learn more on this topic, please check our web site by following our link below...

Finally, I’d like to thank you for reading this article and I hope it was helpful.

Michael Malega presents several how to win back your ex articles for your information. You can visit Michael's web site at: How To Win Back Your Ex

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Who Else Wants to Learn A Feng Shui Attracting Love Method – Part Two?

By Glen Lim

"It’s unbelievable," Janice paused. "But I’m happy for you that the feng shui attracting love technique works."

Julia lean forward and whispered into Janice’s ear.

"Actually, it’s not just rose quartz crystals that help me out."

"Really? Then tell me more."

Julia began to explain what she did to Janice.

First she made room for the other half in her life. You can copy her advance feng shui attracting love techniques to make it work for you.

Here are the other things she did:

Removing the Clutter

She tidied up her room and discarded all unwanted stuffs, include posters of Hollywood stars and photos of all those guys she admired.

She kept her room clean and open the window to allow fresh air to move in freely to circulate and fill your room with good energy. Stagnant energy (chi) collected inside your room will only attract more negative energy.

Making Space

She made space in her room. She acted as if you are living with her boyfriend now. She was decisive enough to go for a double bed instead of single bed. And she was quick to leave some space in her cupboard with a few empty hangers inside for "him".

Take a moment and think over it. Ask yourself: What are the stuffs you can add to your room to feel in love? Do that.

Removing Confusing Signal

Previously her room was filled with her photos. She realized subconsciously she was suggesting single hood. Without much hesitation, she removed them as she remembered the bedroom should be her love sanctuary and private retreat that she shared with that special someone.

Paint the Room with Love

She painted her bedroom with a combination of pink, rose and coral colors. Further to that, she used stronger color like crimson for your bedding items.

Managing Emotions and Thoughts

She was careful with the thoughts she entertained. Even thought she did not totally believe in advance feng shui attracting love technique. She was willing to give it a try.

"It's either all the way or not at all," She thought. So she pushed all the negative thoughts out of her head and replaced with faith.

Propelling the Relationship to Greater Height

Having Winston in her life was the sweetest thing that can happen to her.

She wants to bring her relationship to greater height. What crystals will she use now?


She found out that garnet crystal has a reputation of inspiring love and devotion as well as encourages life long commitment. And a little secret to the energy enumerated by garnet she found out accidentally - the power of aiding sexual potency.

Use garnet in addition to rose quartz to boost the relationship. Carry a piece of it in the pocket or display a bowl of garnets in the relationship corner of room to draw deep love.

"Here's mine!" Julia smiled impishly as she pulled out the piece of garnet from her pocket and showed to Janice.

"Actually, to be doubly sure, I have a bowl of garnets displayed in the relationship corner too," she confessed.

They both laughed.

Julia chooses to control her destiny. What about you? Which do you choose loneliness or abundance? Your happiness is in your hand. Are you ready to make advance feng shui attracting love technique work? The choice is yours.

Glen Lim has been actively working with crystals since mid 2003. Since then, he has been passionately researching and evaluating ways to harness the power of crystals.His website provides you with insights into the applications of crystals’ energy for success, love, happiness, wealth and health. Go to: to learn more.

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Who Else Wants to Learn A Feng Shui Attracting Love Method – Part One?

By Glen Lim

Julia leaned towards Janice. She broke into a brood grin. Almost could not contain her excitement, she declared, "The feng shui attracting love method works!"

"We are dating now," She continued. "Just when I thought love will never come, Winston enters my life."

"Congratulation!" Janice hugged Julia. They could hardly contain the excitement.

"How did you meet him?" Janice asked

"In the library. He's a researcher. A truly brilliant guy," Julia added

"Of course he is. The most brilliant one in this whole planet, huh?" Janice teased.

For years, love remains elusive. The right guy never entered Julia's life. She almost gave up altogether till she decided to use the feng shui attracting love method.

Being in love is a wonderful feeling isn't it? You feel on top of the world. What feng shui attracting love method did Julia use to attract love into her life? It's one that combines the transforming power of crystals and Chinese ancient art of placement and arrangement.

Why doesn't feng shui attracting love method work for most? Because most people never integrate and synthesize. Let me explain. A lot of people focus on furniture rearrangement thinking that's feng shui.

Don't get me wrong, I’m not saying furniture rearrangement is not feng shui. Rather furniture arrangement is only one part of feng shui.

And if you want to enhance the energy of feng shui, then activate the feng shui energy with the power of crystals is another essential and important part.

In part one, I will focus on unleashing the power of crystals for love. Continue in part two, you will receive advance feng shui attracting love advices. Also I will reveal to you a crystal that can bring your relationship to greater height. So watch out for it.

Probably you already know that rose quartz is the best crystal for attracting love. Nothing new or secretive about that. Ask yourself this question: How many know how to unleash the power of the crystals, and tap into the power of feng shui, to dramatically and positively change their own life? Not many.

Here's a feng shui attracting love technique that may turn the latent power of the rose quartz crystals into a powerful force of energy that can draw love to you.

Love is a matter of the heart. To get love, you must give love. Again nothing new but few truly understand and appreciate it. So what is the true meaning behind it from the crystals’ perspective?

It means that you have to open your heart and let love flow out freely. You have to first develop the feel toward them. Maybe I sounded insane, illogical or even profound.

Let me explain: When you do crystal programming, effectively you are channeling your thoughts and energy onto the rose quartz crystal. In turn, the enumerating energy of the rose quartz crystal transmits your desired result into the atmosphere to draw love back.

Use visualization to program and embed your love message into the rose quartz crystals. But what sort of message should you program?

Relax and ask yourself, what is your desirable outcome? What make you feel blissful? Let say you resonate with the mental image of yourself walking down the church aisle, this is the image you should program into the rose quartz crystal.

Get a crystal ball or heart shaped rose quartz. After cleansing and charging, you should proceed to program it.

You are now ready to invoke the force of Nature (feng shui) to attract love. According to the Chinese feng shui, the south-west (or north-west if you are located in the southern hemisphere) point of your room is the relationship corner. You can determine this point by placing a compass in the centre of your bedroom. Place your rose quartz crystal in this position.

In few easy steps, you are ready to let the vibes of rose quartz crystal attract love to you.

For the ladies, you may choose to wear rose quartz rings, rose quartz pendants or any other rose quartz jewelry on top of the crystal ball. This is a good way to create a magnetic aura and pull love to you.

Julia is open minded to use feng shui attracting love method to draw love to her. Are you as well?

Watch out for part two as I will reveal advance feng shui attracting love method and unveil a crystal that can draw deep love, commitment and devotion. It’s not rose quartz this time.

Glen Lim is a self taught metaphysician with a passion in crystals energy harnessing. Now you can join him and unleash the transforming power of crystals, to bring more health, wealth, success, love and happiness into your life. Visit, where he provides a wealth of informative articles, resources on everything you need to know about crystals and feng shui.

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Friday, January 11, 2008

Is There a Best Answer For Every Relationship Profiling Quiz?

By Winston Yt Ng

Associated Press photographer, Eddie Adams, won a Pulitzer Prize for a photo that led millions of Americans to assume that a sadistic tyrant killed an innocent man. This photo turned the tide on the support for the Vietnam War.

More importantly, it also led to one noble man's life being ruined by false impressions that were created by a slice of time.

A photo is essentially a slice in time, and that can capture a beautiful moment or a terrible moment. It does not say anything about the past or anything about the future. I am sure Adolf Hitler had very sweet baby photos, just as all babies do. On the other hand, I am sure you can find a photo of Mother Theresa frowning - would we then think less of her?

In our relationships, we take a lot of photos both with our digital cameras and with our mind's camera. Sometimes the photo does not really show the truth that lies beneath, just like what Eddie Adams had to say about his own photo:

"I won a Pulitzer Prize in 1969 for a photograph of one man shooting another ... The general killed the Viet Cong; I killed the general with my camera. Still photographs are the most powerful weapon in the world. People believe them, but photographs do lie, even without manipulation. They are only half-truths.
General Loan was what you would call a real warrior, admired by his troops. I'm not saying what he did was right, but you have to put yourself in his position.

...This picture really messed up his life. He never blamed me. He told me if I hadn't taken the picture, someone else would have, but I've felt bad for him and his family for a long time. I had kept in contact with him; the last time we spoke was about six months ago, when he was very ill.

I sent flowers when I heard that he had died and wrote, "I'm sorry. There are tears in my eyes." "

The truth was that Lem (the man being shot) had killed one of General Loan's (the man with the gun) officers and wiped out his entire family. General Loan was the chief of the national police, a close friend of the Prime Minister of South Vietnam then. As Adams followed General Loan around days after the execution of Lem, he found that he was a local hero and very well-loved by the Vietnamese. He was doing all he could to keep Viet Cong guerrillas from Saigon.

Similar to photos, we now have thousands of websites offering trivia profiling quizzes to rank and rate your own relationships. A friend came up to me and said what I though of the perennial favourite - "If your mother and your girlfriend both fell into the sea, who would you save first?"

That was a pretty clear answer to me - depends on who can swim better.

Apparently, that answer was not what my friend had in mind. I was supposed to say either my mother of my girlfriend, and that was supposed to categorise me into a particular group of people.

A hypothetical scenario is the same like a photo. It stands alone, unreal, with no appreciation of the past nor any regard for the future. A google search will pull up thousands of relationship based profiling quizzes all over the internet.

I heard that a new quiz is making its way around the internet and is a tad more intellectual. If you had to choose between killing one person and five persons, who would you choose? It even has a part duex to the quiz, to compel you to clarify your own line of reasoning!

How do I choose without knowing whether the five persons may be convicted murderers on death row and the one person is a highly skilled surgeon who has saved many lives and will continue to do so in the future?

Relationship profiling quizzes and photographs are all instantaneous snapshots of the moment in a relationship. I was just watching an episode of The Simpsons and Homer thought that Marge was having an affair because he saw a snapshot of her meeting up covertly with the local beer salesman. He got depressed and committed suicide. At that precise moment, a mysterious force gave him the ability to see beyond the snapshot and he saw that Marge was actually planning a surprise party for him!

Have you been doing silly things in your relationship because you thought that your partner purposely wanted to hurt you? Maybe your wife snaps at you after work, or it seems like she talks more to her colleagues than you. Is your husband only caring about himself when he is watching tv or is he planning for the family?

It is always so tempting to judge with a mental snapshot. Think of events that made you angry, I would bet right now that most of the memories are snapshots of the moment. At the very most, they are short video clips.

Mental snapshots like photos and profiling quizzes never give us the full picture. When we make life choices based on these snapshots we create immense pain in our life and the lives of those we love.

These snapshots can persuade your own mind to think that your partner has failed you, just like the masses thought that General Loan was a vicious selfish killer. In the process, you might justify the reason to kill your own relationship thinking that it is one built on selfish insecurity. In reality, your heart knows it could be a very different story.

So, how does the life of General Loan answer every profiling question that you will ever take in your life?

Simply this - You and your partner's lives, be it together or separate, are living entities that have a past and have a future. If you let any single photo or profiling quiz or superstition hold you back, then you are denying the true power of the human spirit inside of you.

If a photo or profiling quiz or superstition is causing problems in your relationship today, learn to find strength in the beautiful moments of the past. It is from the strength there that you can determine your destiny. The quiz answers cannot control your destiny unless you allow it to. Even if the quiz says you have a terrible boyfriend or a controlling girlfriend, it is merely a snapshot of the moment.

Learn to unravel and discover the true story that built your partner's character.

Many men think they know women because they have had many failed relationships and similarly for women who think they know men. However, relationships are like anything other thing in life, it has a formula that needs to be learnt. Many professionals who are experts at work have less than fulfilling relationships because they assume that their skill in one area of life can be instantly transferred to their relationship.

That is the same as saying I should trust my surgeon to fly a plane.

Relationship skills are different and have to be learnt, nonetheless, professionals do master it faster because they have the drive and motivation to bring all areas of their life to be immensely fulfilling.

Join us at our Create Unstoppable Passion Workshops to learn the daily skills and strategies needed to plant and nurture lifelong passion in your relationship. Learn the techniques to effectively diffuse the pain of quarrels and misunderstandings that tear up relationships.

(View the photograph here -

About the Author: The author, Winston Ng, is an avid peak performance coach and CEO of Inner Health Technologies Pte. Ltd., based in Singapore. His Relationship and Health Consultancy programmes are renowned worldwide for their efficiency, simplicity and independent unbiased advice.

Learn the real system to create a life of never-ending Fairy Tale Romance and Wild Fantasies. Be an inspiration of love, romance, achievement and success to those around you. Commit to your relationship now! Winston Ng and his Coaches can be contacted at http://www.CreateUnstoppablePassion.Com.Sg

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How to Be Helpful to Excessive Blushers

By G Ambrosh

If someone you love suffers from excessive blushing, it's very important for you to be sensitive to his or her problems. For most people with excessive blushing, it's very difficult to have attention drawn to their problem. The best thing you can do is be there to listen to and offer support to the people you know who have this problem, but avoid doing anything to bring unwanted attention to the issue.

One of the worst things you can do is give unwanted advice about how to put a stop to blushing. If you don't have the problem yourself, you really can't know what it is like to suffer with the condition. If you tell excessive blushers to "stop worrying so much," your advice is likely to just lead to irritation. If you suggest that they just try mind over matter, your tone is likely to be interpreted as being very condescending.

When it comes to giving advice, the best approach is to avoid sharing your opinion unless it is requested. It's a safe bet that most excessive blushers have spent hours obsessing over how to put a stop to their problem, and you're not likely to come up with a suggestion that hasn't already been thoroughly investigated.

If you make comments such as, "blushing is no big deal" or "don't make such a big deal out of it," you are sending a message to the excessive blusher that their problem isn't a legitimate concern. You might mean well, but the message you are sending is in fact a very negative one that is likely to be taken as an insult.

It's also rude to ask an excessive blusher why he or she blushes so much. If the individual knew what caused the problem, he or she would very likely take steps to change it. It's these types of well intentioned questions that cause additional frustration and embarrassment for excessive blushers.

While excessive blushing might not seem like a big deal to you, it is a monumental problem to those who suffer with it. It you try to make light of the problem by telling a joke about it, you're likely to cause unnecessary pain and humiliation for the person with the blushing problem. People who blush excessively already feel embarrassed by their problem, and they aren't likely to be comfortable being put in situations where their problem can be interpreted as a source for amusement.

What you do need to do is simply be a supportive friend. Let your friends with blushing problems know that you care about them, and that you are there for them any time they need a shoulder to lean on. Make a point of trying to include them in activities, but don't push if they seem hesitant. An important part of being a good friend is to respect people's boundaries. Reach out and offer your support, but don't be pushy or bossy. The best way to be supportive to the excessive blushers in your life is simply to offer the support of true friendship.

Do you blush when you bump into someone at the shops? Do you anticipate and fear blushing in certain situations? Do you even avoid doing things because of potential blushing? If you answered yes to any of these questions you should visit our site.

I wrote Blushing Free, a guide to eliminate excessive blushing from your life after I successfully overcame the problem myself. It is a detailed step by step guide that will walk you through the process I went through.

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Improve Family Relationships

By Linda Weaver Clarke

Family is important. It takes commitment and hard work to improve family relationships. With all the negative influences around us, we struggle to hold our families together. But it's a battle that is well worth it.

Family must come first and foremost before anything else, even before our career. "No other success can compensate for failure in the home. The poorest shack in which love prevails over a united family is of greater value to God and future humanity than any other riches." - David O. McKay

I believe that love, communication, and respect go a long way. I know of five rules that can improve relationships and make a family closer.

1. Parents and children must "show" love by helping each other. Giving service and sharing is what it's all about.

2. Take time for one another by going on dates with your spouse or having family outings. It's amazing what a picnic can do for a family.

3. Communicate with each other and take time to listen. Richard L. Evans said, "If only we could feel we have been heard! If only we would listen when we should!"

4. Show respect to each family member. Never demean another person.

5. Pray together. Abraham Lincoln said, "I remember my mother's prayers and they have always followed me. They have clung to me all my life."

Money, wealth, and great careers shouldn't come before family. Money won't buy your family's love or happiness. Eugene Hansen said, "I learned money and material possessions are not the keys to happiness and success. Even with the constant financial challenge, we still had a good life. There was love in the home. Home was the place where we wanted to be. We did have two very significant items: we had a piano and we had a bookcase. How significant those two somewhat simple possessions were in the development of productive talents and interests so important in our early years."

What our children need is love. Material objects will never replace affection or our absence. "We have been so anxious to give our children what we didn't have that we have neglected to give them what we did have." -Author Unknown.

The relationship between husband and wife is important, also. It should not be neglected. Marriage is a sacred bond between man and woman. We must always work on our relationship. Never embarrass or hurt the feelings of our marriage partner intentionally. Build up the other's self-esteem. Treat your partner with respect. Children watch, listen, mimic and follow in our footsteps. They learn quickly. When we show lack of respect to our partner, so will they.

We have to work at marriage. It's a lifetime commitment. Mary Stewart Cutting said, "A woman can stand anything but being forgotten, not being needed."
Richard L. Evans said, "All things need watching, working at, caring for, and marriage is no exception. Marriage is not something to be indifferently treated or abused, or something that simply takes care of itself. All things need attention, care and concern, and especially so in this most sensitive of all relationships of life."

Everyone has to work at Family relationships. It's doesn't come easy. It's something that needs a lot of work, but it's worth it. Thomas Jefferson said, "The happiest moments of my life have been the few which I have passed at home in the bosom of my family."

Written by Linda Weaver Clarke, author of Melinda and the Wild West, a Semi-finalist for the "Reviewers Choice Award 2007." To contact the author, visit

Linda Weaver Clarke received her Bachelor of Arts Degree at Southern Utah University in 2002. She writes articles for several newspapers and teaches a Writing Workshop, encouraging others to turn their family history into a variety of interesting stories. She is also an Aid for the ESL program, helping the Spanish-speaking children in grade school. She has written a historical/fiction love story, Melinda and the Wild West, published by American Book Publishing. This book was a Semi-finalist for the Reader Views "Reviewers Choice Award 2007." This novel is the first of five in a family saga. Linda is happily married and is the mother of six daughters and has four grandchildren.

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Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Relationship Tip: Women Love Us But

"How can she possibly go out with that guy?" Keep your ears open long enough and you will hear that question or at least a variation of it a number of times in your life.

Some women ask this question not because they want an answer but more so out of plain jealousy. They want what another woman already has. That is all part of the game. Still others really are curious as to why she would even pick this particular guy to build a relationship.

No one can fully understand romance or human compatibility. It is what it is but that does not mean women love everything about us. In fact the majority could really do well without the following:

1. Selfishness

It's all about you. When the circumstances directly affect her, you find away to become the center of it. Dating and relationships are about give and take. Nobody and I mean nobody should get their way all the time or even want to. Not only does it make for dullness in the partnership but you are also buying stock in the resentment portfolio. It may not come back to bite you tomorrow or the next day but the longer the selfishness continues the more likely the resentment will grow. And when it comes to the surface you will be in for a nasty shock.

This also includes being a power freak. You will decide what, when, where, why and how much in every facet of the relationship. You want to be king of the roost but are not willing to make her the your queen. She is not your servant; she is your partner so learn to trust her decision making process and be prepared to let her lead sometimes.

2. Huh?

That means you were not listening. This drives women up the wall. It says that a: you do not respect her opinion and b: she is not worth listening to. Communication is high on the list of priorities for many women and listening is a huge part of the equation. If you need to train yourself to listen than do it. Besides that she will also appreciate the effort on your part.

3. The Mama's Boy

A good relationship with your mom is to be cherished and respected. No woman should begrudge you that. However running to mama to solve some problems you maybe having in your relationship or worse still using her as a standard to routinely criticize your partner is a definite no-no. It shows a strong lack of independence. Keep in mind also that while women may have maternal instincts that does not imply they want to assume the role of matriarch in your relationship. Two consenting adults means just that.

There are of course many other things that women don't particularly like about us but it would probably take days to list them all (You can hear the ladies now saying think in terms of years). That's fine. No one is perfect so follow the three tips mentioned do the best you and watch it pay dividends.

About the Author: You can hear the ladies saying that it would take years not days to list all the things they don't like about men. Not surprising but if doesn't have to be that way. Find out how to manage the Relationship Matrix

Tips To Finding Friends And More On The Internet

By Dror Klar

Have you ever been through a time in your life when you found that you were just lonely? If you have, you are defiantly not the only one out there who has. The reason for your loneliness does not really matter. What does matter is what you can do about it. No one should have to spend all their time by their self. It can make for a really boring and empty life.

Maybe you have just moved to a new area and do not know a soul. Maybe you are just not a really outgoing person and find it hard to strike up a conversation with a stranger in person. Whatever the reason you are spending too much time by yourself, the internet could be your answer. If you do not have internet, get it through your cable, satellite, or telephone company. You would have to be living on Mars or maybe even further away if you have never heard of meeting people through the internet.

The internet can provide you with a world of opportunities to meet new people. If you are just looking for a little friendly conversation or maybe something more, you only need to get on line to start exploring possibilities. There are sites available for all kinds of people. You can choose a chat room by what race you are, what sex you are, what your sexual preference is, or something as casual as what business you are in, even by what hobbies you enjoy.

If you are a stay at home mom who does not have a lot of time to visit friends, the internet can be a great way to meet other moms in your area or across the world and discuss things that are important to you at your convenience when you have a few minutes to your self.

If you are looking for a love interest, well, you and 100 million other people are too. What better way to weed through the masses and get right to the ones that might hold some real possibilities for you? There are many couples today that provide living proof that internet love relationships can work out good.

We all know by now that there is always a chance that you might meet some really weird people on the internet, so you should be careful. That does not mean that you should be afraid to give it a try. There are many more normal people just like you who only want to spend a little time with another human being who needs a little company too. The internet is just like going to a church social or on a blind date. Sure, you might not know what you are going to get, but who knows, it might turn out to be something or someone really good!

About the Author: Dror Klar offers The Cheapest Dallas Direct TV, Dish Network and Texas High Speed Satellite Internet on the web.

Kama Sutra India - The Birthplace Of The Kama Sutra

The Kama Sutra is a group of Indian texts written by a scholar named Vatsyayana Mallanaga. The term Kama Sutra is derived from two Sanskrit words Kama and Sutra which means desire and guide respectively; when translated literally, Kamasutra means a Treatise on Pleasure.

As known by the masses, the Indian Kama Sutra is a classic text used as a guide to love making and also as a reflection of the social traditions of India. A lot of people who have read or have heard about the Kama Sutra simply see the book as a manual on unconventional sexual positions; however, the Indian Kama Sutra is viewed by scholars as a classic text with historical importance. The book is about living, with texts on how to find a partner, how to maintain a marriage, and how to perform sexual intercourse.

Man has three chief goals in life, according to the Indian Kama Sutra. These goals are duty and responsibility for one's actions or Dharma; the acquisition of power through wealth and politics or Arta; and pleasure or Kama.

The book has several sections that give advice on how to live one's life. The initial chapters of the book discuss man's three main priorities, how to acquire knowledge, the behavior of a townsman brought up with good breeding and many other items. The second section details the sexual positions and techniques. This is only one small part of the book; however this section focused on the sexual positions has given the book its popularity in the Western world. The succeeding sections discuss such topics as how to acquire a wife, the duty of a wife, the behavior of men and women, courtesans, and how to attract others by improving one's physical attractiveness.

There are originally just eight positions detailed on the book, and eight variations per position, making a total of sixty four positions in all. There are several categories on the art of love making as detailed in the Indian Kama Sutra written by Vatsyayana. These categories are the sitting positions, the standing positions, the rear-entry positions, the woman on top positions, and the man on top positions.

People who choose to read the Indian version of Kama Sutra should read the book as a whole and try to apply the advice and teachings discussed in the book to real life. It should also be kept in mind that the book is not merely a guide on how to perform sex, but as a guide on how to live one's life better and to establish better relationships with the people around him.

About the Author: For your free course teaching you all the greatest kama sutra positions using pleasurable and effective kama sutra techniques simply go to

About the Author: For your free course teaching you all the greatest kama sutra positions using pleasurable and effective kama sutra techniques simply go to