Friday, January 11, 2008

How to Be Helpful to Excessive Blushers

By G Ambrosh

If someone you love suffers from excessive blushing, it's very important for you to be sensitive to his or her problems. For most people with excessive blushing, it's very difficult to have attention drawn to their problem. The best thing you can do is be there to listen to and offer support to the people you know who have this problem, but avoid doing anything to bring unwanted attention to the issue.

One of the worst things you can do is give unwanted advice about how to put a stop to blushing. If you don't have the problem yourself, you really can't know what it is like to suffer with the condition. If you tell excessive blushers to "stop worrying so much," your advice is likely to just lead to irritation. If you suggest that they just try mind over matter, your tone is likely to be interpreted as being very condescending.

When it comes to giving advice, the best approach is to avoid sharing your opinion unless it is requested. It's a safe bet that most excessive blushers have spent hours obsessing over how to put a stop to their problem, and you're not likely to come up with a suggestion that hasn't already been thoroughly investigated.

If you make comments such as, "blushing is no big deal" or "don't make such a big deal out of it," you are sending a message to the excessive blusher that their problem isn't a legitimate concern. You might mean well, but the message you are sending is in fact a very negative one that is likely to be taken as an insult.

It's also rude to ask an excessive blusher why he or she blushes so much. If the individual knew what caused the problem, he or she would very likely take steps to change it. It's these types of well intentioned questions that cause additional frustration and embarrassment for excessive blushers.

While excessive blushing might not seem like a big deal to you, it is a monumental problem to those who suffer with it. It you try to make light of the problem by telling a joke about it, you're likely to cause unnecessary pain and humiliation for the person with the blushing problem. People who blush excessively already feel embarrassed by their problem, and they aren't likely to be comfortable being put in situations where their problem can be interpreted as a source for amusement.

What you do need to do is simply be a supportive friend. Let your friends with blushing problems know that you care about them, and that you are there for them any time they need a shoulder to lean on. Make a point of trying to include them in activities, but don't push if they seem hesitant. An important part of being a good friend is to respect people's boundaries. Reach out and offer your support, but don't be pushy or bossy. The best way to be supportive to the excessive blushers in your life is simply to offer the support of true friendship.

Do you blush when you bump into someone at the shops? Do you anticipate and fear blushing in certain situations? Do you even avoid doing things because of potential blushing? If you answered yes to any of these questions you should visit our site.

I wrote Blushing Free, a guide to eliminate excessive blushing from your life after I successfully overcame the problem myself. It is a detailed step by step guide that will walk you through the process I went through.

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