Wednesday, September 3, 2008

10 Tips for Creating a Better Relationship With Life

By Ray And Jean Kadkhodaian

This past month, a good friend and colleague of mine surprisingly past away, leaving behind his wife and three kids. After the initial shock had worn off, I could not help but reflect on the impact that his life and passing had on my own, and whether or not I was living my life with a true sense of purpose and integrity. It was in this self-reflection that I realized how easy it is to take for granted the blessings in my life, and how easy it is to become distracted from my true purpose and passion. And although I strive on a daily basis to live my life helping people, as I am called to do, I truly am not without faults, and I am not afraid to admit that.

Too often, I believe, we get caught up in the everyday routine, and lose focus of the things we do, and more importantly…the why. It always seems to be a challenge to reorient ourselves back to walking the "right" path, and there have been many times in my life where I even have had to ask for directions! It is my belief that this temporary "amnesia" that seems to cloud our judgment and allows us to take that monotonous job, or tolerate an abusive relationship, or even say hurtful things to other people, is just part of our human condition. I believe that it is when we settle into these comfortable roles, that we create stagnation in our lives and open ourselves up to a world of unnecessary pain and suffering.

In all my years of education and training, I have learned many different techniques on how to spark this internal inspiration and how to bring clarity to one's life. Some techniques tend to work for some people and not for others. However, in my own life I have perfected personal techniques that seem to work for me. I have learned that in order to impart change in myself, I have to push myself beyond the comfort zone, often utilizing techniques that would seem unconventional to most. In addition, I often find myself repeating salient phrases to myself that seem to motivate me, and I thought I would share them with you, in the hopes that they might be as helpful as they have been for me. Here are ten of them:

1. If it is something you are afraid of…it is something you should do. 2. No one will support you, so do it anyways. 3. Never, Never, Never give up. 4. Don't have expectations of others…have expectations of yourself 5. Never make your goals dependent upon the actions of others 6. If you ask for advice from 100 people, you will get 100 different opinions…trust only your own. 7. Don't ask for a lighter load, ask for a stronger back. 8. There is no one in the universe that is like you…why not be different? 9. Who says your life has to be a certain way? 10. Have faith that no matter what happens, everything happens for a reason.

Ray & Jean Kadkhodaian are the founders and creators of the Emotional Wellness Vision. Their model provides a myriad of emotional wellness tools to help others create better and more fulfilling relationships.Their extraordinary report on 'Better Relationships' is available for Free for a limited time. Click here to download the report as a free bonus. Better Relationship

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Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Journey to a Better Relationship

By Jean Kadkhodaian

The symbol for a journey towards a better relationship is a spiral. Growth itself is also a journey. Look at the center of a spiral, this is where life begins. As we walk on our journey we soon come to a challenge and descend into the shadow side.

This is where we face our fears, learn our lessons and begin to seek the light. We often do not notice the sun high in the sky on a bright summer day. But when we walk outside on a dark night we are drawn to the shiny stars, which are like pinholes in the night sky. Before modern technology we used these stars to find our way through the night.

Follow the line of the spiral through the darkness and you will see that it returns to the light. It does not just return but it goes even higher into the light. The reward for journeying into the dark is to bring the subconscious into the light for illumination. This gives us greater access to our sacred self by integrating the lessons of our shadow. The benefit of going through the dark and facing our fear is not only to heal our wounds and feel better but also to gather strength and tools to face other challenges in life.

Unfortunately, most people spend their lives and relationships hovering just above the centerline before the spiral dips down into the darkness for the second time. They stay stuck in dead end jobs that suck the life out of them. They settle for relationships that are dull, listless and boring. They resign themselves to a life of mediocrity in order to avoid the intensity of going through the growth process that requires facing the dark night of the soul. They focus on small things like getting a bigger house or car, losing ten pounds or buying more stuff that they hope will fill up the hole inside of them. It is not so much that they refuse to face their pain but rather that they don’t have any idea how to travel through their shadow side and create a better relationship.

The first time we go through the process we are like a fool going along on our merry way until the floor drops out from under our feet and lands us on our bottom in a pile of crap. We are completely innocent and totally destroyed. No wonder 95% of people live their lives statistically similar to their parents.

Only 5% of the population will profoundly change their lives from what they experienced as children in ways such as social-economic status, level of education, even living within a 50-mile radius. The number one reason for this stagnation is lack of growth. Why? As human beings we like homeostasis. For most people change is like a bolt of lightning and comes as an external force such as getting laid off from your job.

Positive change happens in the same way like a chance meeting that leads to marriage or finding out you are pregnant. Because change happens as a blast we are not prepared and struggle to get grounded again. So life has taught us that change is scary, and that we have no power or control. The blast of change that "happens" to us forces us to feel emotions that we have buried, after all it is not feelings of happiness that we are avoiding.

Just like sharks need to move in order to breathe or to live, as human beings we need to grow in order to thrive. We have the free will to tread water. Treading water keeps us in that stuck place and prevents us from feeling pain. But treading water comes with an enormous price tag it blocks our ability to grow, which makes our lives mean, small and narrow. The one question I ask my clients that I believe determines how one moves through difficult things in their lives is "Why do we have life and what happens when we die?" Most people who will answer that there is something more after life and that some how what we do here affects what will happen after we die; that we are here to learn something for some reason.

I was talking about this with one client in particular who had an extremely violent and abusive childhood. She stared at me with terror in her eyes and spat out with venom "So you think that there is a reason that my dad did all those horrible things to me". And I looked back into her eyes with love and compassion and said think about it this way, wouldn’t it be worse if there was no reason. No reason for all the pain and suffering on this earth.

No reason for all the awful things that people go through and do. Because to me be that would be cruel and pointless and depressing. And God would have to have a sick sense of humor. And I challenged her to think about how those experiences have shaped her life, who she is because of what she has been through and what she has learned. And over time she was able to release the pain and forgive in a way that left her whole and at peace.

Yes life is full of crap. But if you allow and if you chose to struggle and feel again and start walking on your journey again. Then you can let all that crap decompose and turn into a rich fertilizer that you can then use to grow strong and tall. Everyone has crap. Every life has pain. That is not something we can avoid, it just happens to us.

But everyone also has the free will to get stuck in the never ending but tolerable dull ache or to dig in and feel that pain briefly and intensely, which will lead to opening your heart up again to love and joy and happiness. To be whole requires us to embrace our light and our shadow side. What doesn’t kill us makes us whole. It is only in the darkness that we can seek the light. Where fear and anger and resentment grips your life there you will find your victories.

As endless beings we are destined to heal everything and become whole. It is our free will that determines how long it will take us to begin the healing process by facing the darkness. It is only by walking through the dark night of the soul that we can come to stand in the full light of day and journey to a better relationship with all those in our lives.

Ray & Jean Kadkhodaian are the founders and creators of the Emotional Wellness Vision. Their model provides a myriad of emotional wellness tools to help others create better and more fulfilling relationships. Their extraordinary report on 'Better Relationships' is availalbe for Free for a limited time. Click here to download the report as a free bonus. Better Relationship

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Thursday, July 31, 2008

Regrets About the Past

By Isabella Kratz

Sometimes a wave of sadness overcomes me, and I begin to dwell on the past.

Rather than regretting what I did, I regret even more what I didn't do. I regret not marrying a rich man when I was twenty. Then I wouldn't have to work so hard now... Back then I was attractive, intelligent, and my skin was smooth. But my self-esteem was very low, and I felt I didn't deserve anything. Now I am more confident, but I am forty-five years old, have given birth to six children, and have lines on my forehead (from frowning too much), and around my eyes (from smiling too much). I want to have an easy life, but it's too late to look for a wealthy husband!

Anyway, we need to remember that abundance is in our hearts, not in our bank accounts. If we don't know how to enjoy life, then no amount of money will ever make us happy. I love my partner, even though he's not a millionaire. But he has a heart of gold, and he cares about me, and looks after my children as if they were his own. Yes, we do fight a lot, but that doesn't mean we don't love each other. I think that sometimes we love to hate each other... But we always make it up, and things constantly improve between us.

Instead of having regrets about the past and about missed opportunities, I prefer to focus on what I've got now, and I'm grateful for the kind and thoughtful man who lives by my side, even though he's not perfect. And neither am I!

by Isabell Kratz.

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Enjoy your day!

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Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Best Way To Overcome A Painful Relationship Break-up

By Francis K. Githinji

It is likely that your love is gone. Gone and gone forever? It's for sure painful to lose someone who you truly cherish in your life. Intimacy is nursed and not bought. Losing someone you have groomed and may be molded for a long time is the most painful and hurting experience in life. To start a relationship is easy but to maintain it and succeed is another thing. It calls for alot of sacrifice and devotion. It's normal and usual for a relationship to break but the worst part of it comes when the parties involved are too hurt and left with some painful wounds to nurse. The healing process of a break-up may differ so much depending on different people and the kind of relationship that existed between them. It may take long or short time to heal but you must know how to overcome a painful relationship break-up.

When a break-up occurs in a relationship, it leaves one with unbelievable and unbearable pain and shame. You may even feel rejected or dis-owned to the extent of feeling betrayed especially if the root cause of the break up was unfaithfulness. Remember that no matter how much pain you are undergoing, you must try to overcome a painful relationship break-up. Here are some tips on how to overcome. You must accept the fact that you broke up. You might be in a state of denial but push yourself to appreciate the fact that you are not together. Anger follows after the denial once you realize that you are often getting disturbed by this experience just take it positively and try to overcome it. Try to make merry and rejoice even when things seems to be moving in the wrong direction.

After denial and anger, it follows that you might be stressed to the extent of getting depressed. It's normal to get stressed after a moment of pain but you must try to avoid pressures that may force you into a state of depression. Make sure that you are always in the company of your friends to avoid spending time alone which may make your mind to flashback unto the old memories of your past relationship. Try to overcome your stress by sharing with your close friend about your life encounter or even seek advice from a chancellor. You will discover that when your anger and stress is gone. Acceptance of the whole scenerio is born and the healing takes place and therefore you will be able to overcome a painful break up.

After all has been said and done, it good to call off the past. Rediscover the power of your thoughts and words. If you keep on letting the the past keep on hunting you, peace will be very ellusive in your life. You will be a slave of your past mistakes and you will never know peace. Broaden your vision and develop a healthy self image and add value to your life. I would advice you not to give up on matters of love but give a trial to another relationship. A break up is not a reason enough as to why you should live an unfulfilling life. Find strength in adversity, live to love and choose to be happy. By doing all this, you will be able to overcome a painful relationship break-up.

Francis K. Githinji Is An Online Dating Expert. His Latest Project Painful Relationship Break-up Shows How The Power Of Online Dating Can Be Harnessed Internationally and With Great Success, Or You Could Post Your Valued Comments On His Blog At Painful Relationship Break-up

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Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Some of the Real Reasons Why Men Leave

By Antonio H

Seriously, forget everything you've read thus far. Any ordinary guy with a group of male friends will agree with one or more of the following reasons. These are REAL reasons taken from men as to why they have or would have left their relationships. You don't need a relationship expert to explain to you why a man leaves. Sometimes the answers are relatively simple. I don't provide any behavioral theories such as men not being breastfed or being neglected at childhood as a reason for leaving the relationship (although it may apply to some).

So for you ladies who keep asking yourself and/or others as to why men walk away from relationships, here's a list that I composed specifically for you in no particular order.

Nagging - This is an honest reason. Ladies, some of you don't realize it but you may nag your partner to death. There is only so much he can take. You may have to ask him to do things more than once but he will eventually get to it. If he doesn't wind up doing it after the third or fourth request, take a moment to find out why before you go into a fit. Did he just get off work? Did he just get home from somewhere? Did he just finish something that may require him to relax for a few minutes? If none of these apply, then he may be just plain lazy and you should be questioning whether you really want him back.

Sex - If it's unsatisfying or you are denying him to the point where he questions whether he is living in a monastery or at home, chances are this is a BIG reason. Is he being unreasonable or are you?

Love - This is one of the more painful reasons. He may have fallen out of love or may have fallen in love with someone else.

Attraction/Physical Appearance - Some of the reasons I came across were that men just weren't physically attracted to their partners anymore. This was usually coupled with falling out of love or at least it may be what triggered it. Remember ladies, this doesn't mean that you are not attractive. Men have different tastes, enjoy different things, have different pleasures, etc...all women are beautiful.

Excitement - You may not be interested in the same activities as him. He may be an extremist and want to go sky diving or scuba diving with sharks and you may just want to sit at home with a glass of wine and a movie.

Cheating - There are a number of reasons why men cheat. This could be a whole separate topic in itself but for purposes of this article I will limit it to the most common reason which is physical attraction. When a relationship becomes stagnant and/or there is little to no physical attraction or excitement in the relationship, temptation grows stronger. Particularly in work places where most adultery occurs.

Self Esteem - Some men feel emasculated or belittled by their partners to the point where they leave. Some may feel that they are not worthy of the relationship. This is one of those reasons that may require some professional help.

Kids/marriage - Some men may not want to get married or have kids. Some may want one without the other. Whatever their needs or wants, pushing them into one or both may lead them to walk away from the relationship. Anyhow, if the man you're with doesn't want the same things you want, you should be asking yourself why you are with him in the first place. Ladies, there are plenty of men out there that are looking to get married so don't stress yourself over him. Beside, if this was a serious relationship you should have known in the beginning as to whether or not he was interested in marriage/kids.

Commitment - Some men just can't stay committed. For whatever the reason they need to be with different women. Again, this is one of those reasons that can be better explained by a relationship counselor.

So there you have it. These are actual reasons why men have left their partners. There are a few additional reasons that are not listed here but these are typically the most common. I certainly hope this helps you understand or at the very least give you better grasp of why men decide to leave.

More information and a free video can be found here at

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Monday, July 28, 2008

The Effects Of Shy Love In Relationships

By Francis K. Githinji

Shy love happens all the time as a result of unwillingness to love. Hesitation to love is what is referred to as shy love. There are a lot of unhappy relationships out there due to the fear of giving it all to a relationship. This is usually a psychological problem with people who have been hurt before. They fear that their emotional and financial investment towards a relationship might be in vain. As a result they give unfulfilling resources to a relationship. My relationship advice is, if you decide to love, you should fully invest in the relationship. Otherwise do not enter into a new relationship if you were hurt by a previous one. It is a bad practice which is exercised by people who lack good self identity.

If you are a divorced man or woman, do not carry your previous baggage in to the new relationship. If we give out our love generously, it will always come back to us. Many people feel unloved because what they give out to a romantic relationship is usually shy love. This will always result into unhappy relationships and you will live an unsatisfied life of feeling unlovable or unloving. A good relationship advice is that, do not shy away from expressing love to a loved one. Give it all and you will be amazed by the good returns. People are different and you should not crucify one person for the sins of another. If you trusted someone and you ended up being betrayed, learn to trust all the time but give your yourself enough time to recover from the previous heartbreak.

Relationship advice concerning break ups always suggest that a victim should get a close confidant to take him/her through this hard time. You might feel hatred but a relationship counselor or a close friend assists in positive thinking. There are people who have been hurt a million times but they still believe in love. They have never attempted to give shy love even after their predicaments. Unhappy relationships have never been a part of their love life. At least they enjoy their relationships the short time that it lasts. People who have suffered from unhappy relationships have abnormal relations with animals. This was proved in a recent study. There are people who prefer to be more attached to dogs and cows than with human beings. Some of the abnormal sexual relationships between animals are men are extreme repercussions of heartbreak.

Unhappy relationships which are as a result of shared shy love can take a turning point if relationship advice is adequately provided. There are partners who hold back their feelings in fear of being rejected or heart broken. For instance many men are aware of their most sensitive parts of the body but are not willing to help their women please them. They fear that if the woman lets them down they will be left feeling rejected and embarrassed. If only there can be communication without fear, unique love can easily be found. As a loving couple, you should be able to correct each other without fear. Never revenge and always talk the truth. By all these true love will certainly replace shy love.

Francis K. Githinji Is An Online Dating Expert. His Latest Project Shy Love Shows How The Power Of Online Dating Can Be Harnessed Internationally and With Great Success, Or You Could Post Your Valued Comments On His Blog At Shy Love

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Sunday, July 27, 2008

Tips on How to Get Your Ex Back Fast

By Dennis Vincent

Relationship experts agree that the most important step in winning back lost love is to create an effective plan of action. Plan what you will do to regain his/her love and be prepared with his/her reactions. Be something that he/she least expects from you.

Step 1: Stop

The emotion you are currently feeling influences your present attitude towards the situation. By this, you need to stop everything for at least one day. Do household chores; do physical things; be with your friends, chill out with you brothers. Have some time with yourself enjoying everything and anything. You need to relax and reflect about the experience you are currently in. Let this moment be a preparation for you for the future since the future is unclear.

Step 2: No Ex...for now

Most people think the best way to get your ex back to keep calling them and saying you miss them, love them, etc. Chasing your ex and always keeping in touch with him/her after the break-up will only prolong your agony. You are still unstable during these dark times because of what happened so it's better not to connect with your ex. Be like astronauts at this time: give space to each other.

Step 3: Plan Your Strategy

This is the most important step in getting your ex back. Don't just appear at his/her doorstep and surprise your ex. Remember, because you are still unstable so by the time that you'll have your time to talk, you have nothing to say but all those two and three words that meant so much to you. No matter how true these words are, the emotional instability you both are currently in will give resistance to feel the same. Build first an impression that will surely trigger a lasting impression and will make your ex think that if he /she would come back to you, things will not be the same again.

Find out the BEST way to get your ex back at:

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Saturday, July 26, 2008

Get Your Boyfriend Back – Reel Him Back Strategy

By Teecee Go

Your boyfriend left you and you are looking for ways to get your boyfriend back. It really breaks your heart. All the wrong things happen at the wrong time and now you feel at your lowest. You do have enough frustration in life and here one more – Your Unwanted Breakup! You were with your boyfriend for years and why is he turning his back on you now? When you have put your trust in someone that your give whole heartedly to, but in the end you are wrong! There must be a reason why you are not giving up on him. You need to get your boyfriend back.

There are ways you can win your guy back. What you need is a strategy to reel him back again. No contact. Eventually the curiosity will make him find out about what you have been doing without him. Make him miss you - your presence, your voice, and your smile. If he comes back, you should hold yourself back and make it a little difficult for him.

Do not pursue after him

Although society is far different from the Victorian era, a lot of guys are old-fashioned when it comes to relationships. They want to be in control so going after your man will all the more push him further away from you. This is also one way for him to realize that you are unique. When you put on a positive mindset, he may be driven to desperation and will treasure you all the more.

Do not tell him how badly you want him back

This is a surefire way of driving him away from your life. Yes, your heart is screaming for his embrace and for his presence, but this time, let your mind do the thinking instead of your heart. You should make it appear as if you have already gotten over the breakup and the relationship. This will appear a challenge to him and he will respond by chasing you more fiercely.

Create Curiosity

When you are together with your friends and out for after-office party, you should leave together with your friends without telling him where you are going. Although this may sound cruel, your boyfriend will all the more try to win you back more urgently.

When you show that you are confident and that you are standing strong, your boyfriend will realize his love for you and that is enough to make him pursue you like crazy.

Learn why your relationship failed and why your breakup happened and how you can win your love back This is the place to start your BreakupCures at You can learn a lot more, read success stories and "reunion" letters by visiting The Magic Of Making Up

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Friday, July 25, 2008

What Are You Seeking in an Online Dating Relationship?

By Janice Hilton Freeman

Maybe you are one person who likes to seek thrills and casual sex? Or maybe you are one person who wishes to devote yourself to one lover? Or maybe you want children after marriage? Regardless of what you want, you need to figure out how do you achieve it.

Dealing with sex is a predictable question in online dating (and even in traditional dating). This is especially when you started to meet that particular person whom you had such an easy way of revealing every aspect of your life to. After your initial meeting, you need to be prepared for the question about having sex. Although the question of sex does not hold a big possibility on the first date, it becomes a practical option after the second or third date. This is when the both of you become so comfortable with each other and everything seems to be working out so well.

This seems hard to believe but people who are so used to typing as a form of communication can achieve a sense of intimacy at an amazing speed. Some online daters seek the thrill of chasing their lovers rather than having the intention to settle down. They like flirting. If you are one person who is like that, remember to put it on your profile as an important reason for online dating.

As much as I do understand that not everyone seeks a "happily ever after" ending, it is careful to display your interest of riding off into the sunset with anybody you wish to. This is because you want to avoid hurting other people. You don't want to be thrown out of the online dating pool for such a reason, correct?

All of us want to find love. And there is absolutely nothing wrong when you decide to find love online - because there are millions of people who have already succeeded!

Why do you want to be left out of the bandwagon? Online dating is really fun! Click on the links to learn more about Online Dating and Dating Advice!

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Thursday, July 24, 2008

A Marriage License Is Not Always Followed By A Sad Love Story

By Francis K. Githinji

I usually wonder what happens when a marriage license in form of a marriage certificate is issued to a loving couple. Their love story takes a dramatic turn and becomes sorrowful. When people are dating, there is a lot of endless love and their long term relationship is hoped to be the best. They have a lot of trust in their feelings and that is why they decide to tie the knot. After the honey moon is over, a lot of bad things happen. Couples turn against each other as they question each others true colors. When people are dating, a lot is hidden to win the other party. Enough self control is practiced to avoid portraying a bad image about themselves. Relationship advice is important for people who are courting. Hiding your true characters acts as a serious time bomb.

Nothing remains in the dark for a lifetime. Many people pretend to be close to perfect when dating. They are princes and princesses until after they are honored with marriage license. Things move from best to worst. If enough relationship advice is not given to these newly married couples, they call it quits immediately after honeymoon or even before it ends. Marriage is about tolerance and it requires a lot of understanding and patience. An ideal love story features relationship problems. Do not shy away from small problems. You should be bold enough to overcome problems for a lasting marriage relationship. May be you have never seen your spouse angry and so when it happens you flee. If you show him his anger shakes you, you will be a victim of failed marriage.

To be on the safe side, establish problem solving skills early enough to avoid living in an emotional torture. It feels good to narrate to your grand children about your successful love story. Most young people have a negative attitude towards marriage due to the high level of divorces in our society today. There is no any good marriage to emulate since what they have grown up seeing was a real hell. It is always good to seek relationship advice before overreacting to a relationship problem. It is abnormal for two people living together to live without colliding. Disagreements do not mean hate. You should look at it as a difference in opinion. A marriage license should make you feel emotionally settled. It legalizes your love affair.

Many are the times a marriage license is perceived as bad news. It is a wrong perception because if you watch carefully, most of the married people are so stable both financially and emotionally. They are successful because they are settled. A love story of a victim of a failed marriage will always discourage you from saying i do. My relationship advice is that, you should be wise enough not to look at the society with a lot sceptics. Do not believe everything you read, otherwise do not read. The world has never been a perfect place. The society consists of failed and successful things so it is up to an individual to choose either to be a failure or a success.

Francis K. Githinji Is An Online Dating Expert. His Latest Project Love Story Shows How The Power Of Online Dating Can Be Harnessed Internationally and With Great Success, Or You Could Post Your Valued Comments On His Blog At Love Story

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Wednesday, July 23, 2008

5 Telephone Tips

By Janice Hilton Freeman

With the intensifying debate about body language being the key to your dating nightmares, I need to remind you that the telephone is another major obstacle. Here are five telephone tips to help you project your sweet image:

Pleasant tone

When you answer the phone, make sure that you are speaking in a sweet voice. It doesn't have to sound freakishly polite. Just make sure that you want your voice to sound like music to your prospective match's ears.

A nice message

Be sure that you have a nice message for your answering machine. Sound enthusiastic and optimistic and you will have more people begging to take you out that than you ever wished.

Get a Caller ID

If there are dating rules, I would make it compulsory for people to purchase Caller IDs for their homes. You need to know who's calling so you can prepare yourself adequately for a heartwarming conversation.

Call Forwarding

This is so important to both online dating and traditional dating. Don't you just find it frustrating to call someone several times and this person just does not get back to you? You won't miss any calls (especially when it is from someone special) this way. Besides, do you feel like you are chained to the phone when you are waiting for someone to call you back?

Get a cell phone

Purchasing a mobile can be a good investment so you won't miss any directly important calls. Besides, it acts as a safety measure when you are meeting a stranger for a date.

When men discover that they cannot get the women they love, they blame that it is because of their looks, all types of external factors and everyone else. In fact, the trick about dating is just about the techniques.

If you are looking to save your marriage, increase your dating opportunities or enjoy better sex, click on the links to learn more about Dating Tips and Dating Advice!

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Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Romance Is The Key To A Successful Relationship

By Francis K. Githinji

Romance is the key to a successful relationship. Are you lacking romance in your relationship and wondering how to get it? Just relax, it's very easy than to get it back once it's gone. It is very risky for both of the partners to be in such a situation because the relationship can easily dry off. Romance is all about what made you get attracted to one another and trying to keep it real and alive. Remember romance is the key to a successful relationship and thus try to keep romance in your relationship burning. Never lose that first urge that drove you close to your spouse the first time you met. Try to keep on the fire that was burning in your first days of your dating.

Have you ever wondered where the first love goes to when people get married? It is well noted that when people get married, the romance that drew them close to each other starts to dry off and they ends up losing the close intact that they had towards each other. You might be there and wondering how to rekindle your love frame? It is simple, all you need to do is never to let go off the first flush that you had when you met for the first time. Remember the good things that you used to do to make your partner happy and how you used to re-live the romance that used to exist within you. Its a fact that romance is the key to a successful relationship and there is no relationship that can succeed without romance. Keep your relationship romantic and you will never regret!

Romance adds spice to a relationship and strengthen the bond between the lovers. It is through romance that a relationship is built and through it, love is born. I wonder why people get bored so fast in their romantic life especially when the target of their love is achieved. This happens when they get married, does it mean that romance is meant for people who are dating only and dies off when they get married? According to my opinion romance should be more empasized when people are dating and mostly applied when they are married. Marriage is rooted from romance and therefore romance is the key to a successful relationship.

Wondering how to keep romance in your relationship? Why can't you do the crazy things that you used to do when you were newly attached? Arrange for trips and outings as you used to do when love was at its climax. Take a walk together when you are both free and engage in such talks that re-live the memories of the past and good old days of your courtship. You may hold your spouse, kiss, hug or even take a shower together, these are the common tips that make your romance life refreshed and strengthened. Romance is the key to a successful relationship and everyone engaged in a relationship should should keep it romantic and real.

Francis K. Githinji Is An Online Dating Expert. His Latest Project Successful Relationship Shows How The Power Of Online Dating Can Be Harnessed Internationally and With Great Success, Or You Could Post Your Valued Comments On His Blog At Successful Relationship

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Monday, July 21, 2008

Six Tips For Searching For Dating Prospects

By Janice Hilton Freeman

Searching for prospective dates is a good way to know more people. Entering certain keywords and other criteria in search forms (which are provided by online dating websites) is a good way to search for other people. Here are some tips to make your searches successful:

Your subjective criteria

Every online website allows you to have some specific criteria which the other person must possess; it makes your searches easier. If you have criteria which are definite and factual, the Search Engines will do the picking for you based on their algorithm. Who knows? You might have some good candidates.

The proximity factor

If you are fine with someone who lives across your country, you will need to search for that person. It is unlikely that someone from afar will look for you, although there are certain exceptions.

The Hunt

Be patient. I do know of people who probably scanned thousands of profiles with their use of online dating services and they have yet to succeed. However, there are some people who managed to find love just by browsing through a few profiles.

Avoid being Too Picky

You may want a guy who is athletic and muscular. But, what if he is a perfect match in other aspects except that he is a couch potato?

Act Fast

Some online dating websites offer the subscribers the option of viewing how many days they have left remaining on their subscriptions. If you do see someone who has a few days left, add them to your address book for possibility of further contact.

Lousy Defaults

Some websites limit your searches by placing defaults. Make sure that you alternate the choices of your default to make more results to be available.

All of us want to find love. And there is absolutely nothing wrong when you decide to find love online - because there are millions of people who have already succeeded!

Why do you want to be left out of the bandwagon? Online dating is really fun! Click on the links to learn more about Online Dating and Dating Advice!

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Sunday, July 20, 2008

Dating Relationships Outside Marriage - What Is The Allure?

By Francis K. Githinji

Is it possible to engage in romance relationships outside wedlock? It is considered taboo, but how ironical. Many "happily married couples" are busy in dating relationships with one or several partners without the knowledge of their spouses. Affairs outside marriage relationships are generally frowned upon by the very same people who are in the practice. Talk of an ostrich burying it's head in the sand. Relationships outside marriage are a reality and they are with us. What prompts a person to leave the precincts of holy matrimony and venture into the unknown? Does it mean the pastures are greener outside there? Or have the pastures at home become unpalatable? Relationships are complex institutions and the marriage institution is no better. A marriage is full of Waterloos and if you miss one you are bound to encounter another. You tread with a lot of care and caution.

The sweetness of stolen waters is legendary. Otherwise why would a self respecting person who has a partner in a marriage union have romance relationships on the periphery? The fear of being caught or discovered by your partner while making love with another person is nerve raking. It makes the body to be highly alert. To be precise, the body is ready for flight. The whole body is drenched in adrenaline. This only serves to fuel sexual excitement in a person. The more the adrenaline the more sexual hormones are released. Sexual excitement, desire and urge surges to unprecedented levels. Sex at this juncture is just overwhelming, simply unbelievable. Not to be compared to the routine sex in marriage relationships. Sex in such dating relationships hardly fades from your memory. A journey through the path of sexual healing. No wonder it is so sweet to stray.

Unfulfilled expectations inside the marriage relationships is what makes many couples to search for better fodder. Relationships are mind games and you have to be at the top of the game at all times. If you fail to control the game well, it goes out of hand. Your partner must feel loved and appreciated. Make them feel that they are special to you and they mean a whole world to you. Always keep fueling their interest or someone else will catch their interest. If there is no romance they will look for romance relationships. If you do not keep re-inventing your relationship with new innovative things to keep the fire burning, they will be tempted to start new dating relationships. Be a person of surprise and mystery and your partner will always be hanging by your every word. Wondering which type of hat trick you are trying to cook this time.

In spite of all this, the bedroom remains the all time marriage relationships spoiler. The bedroom is the fireworks theatre where all the passions are consummated. The highest levels of intimacy are expressed here. Lack of enough fire in the bedroom marks the beginning of romance relationships and other dating relationships as couples try to escape the coldness in the marital bedroom. In their quest to re-ignite their sex lives, they stray into strange beds which offer them sexual experiences that were lacking previously in the bedroom.

Francis K. Githinji Is A Online Dating Expert. His Latest Project Dating Relationships Shows How The Power Of Online Dating Can Be Harnessed Internationally and With Great Success, Or You Could Post Your Valued Comments On His Blog At Dating Relationships

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Saturday, July 19, 2008

3 Ways to Jump Start Your Love Life Now

By Janice Hilton Freeman

There is a certain degree of fear in everyone. They can be scared of their crushes rejection, failed dating attempts and previous dating phobias. Therefore, they are refusing to take any action in their love lives. Here are three dating tips to make sure your dating life bounces back:

Ask your crush out

Stop procrastinating. Ask your crush out. Instill this mindset, "If I don't ask her out, I am a loser. And I am not a loser." Be a brave man and ask the girl out now. Don't fret over it. Pick the phone up and articulate clearly that you want to meet her for a cup of coffee. If she accepts, you have a date!

Make friends with your crush

I know many men who avoid the girls they like often because they simply have no courage to ask! Making friends with this person is a great method. Remember that you are seeking a platonic relationship with this person. It will get things moving in the correct direction. Firstly, you get a better chance to see if this girl fits your description to be on your "potential partnership list". Secondly, if the friendship does turn into a romantic relationship, that's great. I understand that you are attempted, but keep your hands to yourself.

Attacking his answering machine

No, I am not asking you to bombard her answering machine with messages. If you do fear calling the girl up, why not call her and leave an invitation to hang out? Do this only when she is not at home. Tell her that you will wait for her to call back and you will just need to know the outcome of her decision.

When men discover that they cannot get the women they love, they blame that it is because of their looks, all types of external factors and everyone else. In fact, the trick about dating is just about the techniques.

If you are looking to save your marriage, increase your dating opportunities or enjoy better sex, click on the links to learn more about Dating Tips and Dating Advice!

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Friday, July 18, 2008

Why Men Leave Women - 4 Reasons Why Men Leave Women

By Jd Dean

If you have just been dumped by your man then instead of reacting in an angry way it might pay you to understand first why the decision was made.

As hard as it seems, being rational when you've been spurned is the first step in achieving a successful reunion and until you have the discipline to do this, then you can virtually kiss any chance of reconciliation goodbye.

Why Men Leave Women

The most obvious reason is because a man has met someone new and has found the qualities in that person that they have been longing for a long time. However, while this may seem the reason on the surface, the real reasons may go deeper than you realize.

You've got to understand that most relationships don't just end overnight. There is a collection of reasons which gather over time and eventually it comes to a head.

So what reasons are we talking about? Just as a woman craves a certain kind of attention then so do men. Any relationship of substance - that is, one which has been ongoing for a certain amount of time will eventually go stale if left unattended.

Does this scenario sound familiar to you? You used to worry about how you looked around the home and you went out of your way to let your man know you were interested. After awhile, you started to become comfortable and gradually your dress sense around the home would begin to taper off.

Instead of wearing clothes that made him notice, you became more casual and began wearing "sloppy Joes" and left the make up off. Listening to his jokes started to become a chore and you laughed less often. In fact, your interest in him and what he liked to do dropped in intensity.

You begin to be critical of even the most minor things and encouragement is replaced by sarcasm.

What Men Really Want

The simple truth is, men will exit a relationship most times because there not getting what they want from it. So what do they want?

Here's a shortlist and see if any of these resonate with you:

1. Men crave attention. There's a lot of truth in the statement that men don't really grow up following the attention they receive from the mothers. Believe it or not, this is the type of attention they continue to look for in a relationship.

2. Admiration is a big part of a man's life. They like to be admired and while many may not achieve this in their social sphere, they at least expect it within the walls of their own own.

3. Respect is another craving men desire. In fact, it's just about up there with the first two reasons. Lack of respect will soon convince a man that it's time to get into an environment where he gets it and if he begins to get it from another woman then you do the maths.

4. Men hate to feel like their partner is unsatisfied with them. This is a combination of the first three points plus they like to be wanted.

Want to know the shortcut to getting your man back? Discover the secrets thousands of women have used win back their man. Grab the most important book ever written on making up - The Magic Of Making Up today!

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Thursday, June 26, 2008

Estranged Husband The Best Way Handle Him

By Francis Githinji

How do you feel about your estranged husband or boy friend? Are they not a threat to your security when in their company? It becomes so hard to know whether they have any hidden bitterness and agenda towards you. The feelings and affection that you used to have towards each other cannot dry up to the extent of being forgotten. The bitterness of a break up takes time to heal and though seemed to be forgotten, there are still some wounds which may never be healed. Take precautions by avoiding going to secluded places that might lead to temptations and cause harm to you. Avoid places that you used to visit when you were once in love otherwise it lingers the memory of the past and re-ignite the intimate feelings for each other. Your estranged husband or boy friend might be suffering without your knowledge when he thinks of the past.

If you arrange for a meeting with your estranged husband or boy friend, ensure that you are accompanied by a third party. Avoid secret meetings with him whether he insists of it or not. You should not be free to meet him and trust him as you used to do before. Avoid compromising and stick always unto your decision and stand on your own principles. Let him honor your decisions and respect your freedom of choice, after all he is no longer your husband or boy friend.

Avoid visits to your house by your estranged husband or boy friend. Your house should be out of bound to him and you should never make a mistake of arranging meetings at your house with him. Take heed of proposals that suggests your house as the meeting place. I would suggest hotels and restaurant as your meeting place option. The reason as to why hotels and restaurant should be your better option is that in hotels there are other people meeting and the feeling of insecurity will no longer be felt. In a hotel security is guaranteed he cannot do any harm to you while you are there unlike while in secluded places.

When it becomes too much and your estranged husband becomes a threat you can relocate to another state or city and change your address. A change is as good as a rest and if you feel suffocated by your ex-lover you can move far from him and keep off from him. Make sure he doesn't know where you live and your new residence. Take enough precautions i believe prevention is better than a cure. Also avoid confrontations with your estranged husband or boy friend and verbal exchange. Take care of your emotions towards him rest you rekindle the past love. I would want to summarize and say that frankly speaking there is no need of you meeting him if you have no intention of coming back together. Meeting him opens sweet memories of what you used to enjoy together. He might take advantage of the whole thing and within a short time you find you are back together.

Francis K. Githinji Is An Online Dating Expert. His Latest Project Estranged Husband Shows How The Power Of Online Dating Can Be Harnessed Internationally and With Great Success, Or You Could Post Your Valued Comments On His Blog At Estranged Husband

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Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Some Reasons Why Good Relationships Go Bad

By Marvin Perry

Although most relationships usually start on a good note, many of these relationships are short lived. In this article I will discuss some reasons why many of these relationships do not last.

If someone is busy with work.

There are certain people who will completely focus on their work while subconsciously blocking out everything else in their life. If this person is in a committed relationship this can send the wrong message to their partner. This person's partner may get the impression that work is more important than their relationship.

If there isn't very much sex in the relationship.

Having a great sex-life is one of the keys to longevity in any successful relationship. Sometimes one partner may have a significantly higher sex drive than the other, if someone feels sexually unfulfilled this can create some major problems in the relationship.

If someone has cheated.

Cheating can ruin a good relationship, some relationships can be saved after someone has cheated while other relationships cannot. Most people who have high self-esteem will not continue a relationship after their partner has cheated on them.

While many people with low self-esteem may stay with their partner after they have cheated on them because they believe that it will be too difficult for them to find someone else who truly appreciates them.

If someone feels as though they are giving more than they are receiving.

There are people who enjoy doing acts of kindness for their partner but when these acts of kindness are not reciprocated the person who is giving may feel as though their partner does not appreciate them.

Money can often ruin good relationships.

Someone who expects lots of expensive gifts from their partner may ruin their relationship. Someone who has bad spending habits may also ruin their relationship, the idea of being with someone who is high maintenance does not appeal to everyone because money cannot buy you love.

If someone is constantly lying.

Most honest people do not like habitual liers. If a person is completely honest with their partner but their partner is dishonest with them, this can ruin their relationship.

These are some of the most common reasons why good relationships go bad. Extremely selfish people will often ruin their relationships because many of them are too focused on themselves that they do not empathize, it can be difficult for them the look at things from someone else's point of view.

Marvin Perry is the founder of, as an avid athlete Marvin decided to create a dating site for athletes you can join at: =>

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Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Get Into The Habits Girls Love

By Francis Githinji

Many boyfriends and husbands have the perception that their wives and girlfriends are creatures who cry out of boredom and make nonsensical complaints for no good reason. Truthfully speaking, women's needs are not that hard to comprehend. All they cry out for is some attention. Get to learn about Habits Girls Love and stay put in their good records. It feels good to know that you do all to your woman giving her no reason to start nasty arguments. Women love compliments more than anything else. They feel good when you appreciate them. She might seem like a self-assured diva or a shy-pretty girl but she still wants her abilities and her beautiful assets to be recognized. If you succeed in making your girl feel special you are well ahead of other men.

All in all your compliments should sound genuine. They should not be coaxed out of you in any way. Telling her that she looks gorgeous in her wear only after she complains that the outfit makes her look oversize might count for something but it looks like it was forced out of you. Let out your compliment when it is least expected. It will for sure look genuine. Catch her off guard by a compliment of how beautiful she is or how tasty her cooking is. Calling is among many Habits Girls Love. They love receiving your phone calls brother. Inform her of a changed plan, about your coming home late or tell her anything else. A "hello" on the phone is enough to appease your girl. It does not have to be an hour long call.

Girls love being a priority in their men's list. You might be having a choice of spending an evening with her or go for a game of poker with guys. It is a tough choice i know but if you choose to be happy with her, affection will be written all over her face. When you are kind enough to set aside all other plans to be with her, your woman appreciates a lot. It is one of the Habits Girls Love because it makes them feel important and special. Do not do it unwillingly since it will spoil everything. Even if you missed out on some boy time, pay attention to your girl when you are together. Girls love attention and it is even an old cliche that they like an excellent listener. Apply listening skills since they contribute in knowing each other. Ask questions and always remember what she says.

Paying attention does not solely apply to listening. Be keen to note her hair do, her looking upset or if she is stressed out. It is a bigger compliment to her for you to notice what is happening to her. Among Habits Girls Love is being surprised by the men in their lives. Men tend to show the same traits and a woman expects least surprises from a man who has dated her for a while. When you decide to invite her for a cool date or offer an unexpected gift she will feel lucky and refreshed. Women are surprised by supposedly benign details but it does the magic for them. A spontaneous phone call does it. Women forgive your mediocrity so something small matters. Go out of your way and do something special just for your girl. Women appreciate habits that show concern to their inner feelings.

Francis K. Githinji Is A Online Dating Expert. His Latest Project Habits Girls Love Shows How The Power Of Online Dating Can Be Harnessed Internationally and With Great Success, Or You Could Post Your Valued Comments On His Blog At Habits Girls Love

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Monday, June 23, 2008

Some Telling Signs That a Man is In Love With You

By Francis Githinji

What do you think of that man who often calls you and can't go for a day without hearing from you? How do you feel when he comments about your dressing, hair style and your make ups? Are these not signs that he is interested in you? It's easy to tell when a man is in love with you. Some would talk in a way that suggest that he is in love with you. It's a fact that most men find it hard to tell it directly when they are in love with you, they prefer showing signs that suggestively tells that they are in love. Girls can easily tell when someone is interested with them but they tends to be reluctant about it and they wait until he hits a stone and talk about it.

When that man behind you asks you for an out or for a cup of coffee for the first time, you can hardly tell whether he is really in love with you or it's just for company, but when he often does it to the extent of insisting when you don't like it, you can now tell that the man is in love with you. He might go to the extent of spending a lot of money without minding about it and he wouldn't mind even though you don't show interest in him for the first time. These are all the telling signs that a man is in love with you.

Walk around the street and it will surprise you to see men gazing at beautiful ladies to the extent of escorting them with their eyes. Is this love or lust? According to me, i would call this lust. I don't believe in love that is shared to every tom, dick and hurry. Love is sacred and not misleading or confusing. Once a heart has fallen in love with someone, it sticks to her/her and never divert attention. Telling whether a man is in love with you is simple. You can even tease by suggesting to him other friends. Ask him what he think about so and so, you will be surprised by the face he shows if he is truly in love with you. He would even feel offended by such remarks and you can tell that he is in love with you.

When a man is in love with you, he is not afraid of telling you. When you resist or deny him a chance, he doesn't give up on you and he will keep in touch with you. He will make all the effort to make sure that he wins your heart. He wouldn't mind calling you even late at night, you will even wonder what he was thinking calling at such an hour. You can easily tell between a player and a man who is truly in love with you. True love waits, watch his patience whether he is the kind that gives up easily. A man is in love with you if he can truly wait for you when you request for it. This is the most incredible way to figure out whether a man is in love with you or not.

Francis K. Githinji Is An Online Dating Expert. His Latest Project Man is In Love With You Shows How The Power Of Online Dating Can Be Harnessed Internationally and With Great Success, Or You Could Post Your Valued Comments On His Blog At Man is In Love With You

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Sunday, June 22, 2008

Free Online Dating Service – Its Totally Free and You Should Use One

By Alan Lim

A free online dating service is an obvious choice for singles. Here are a few of the reasons why it is a great idea for you.

In most cases the decision for singles is whether or not to use a dating service online rather than whether they should choose a free online dating service or one which is provided through a paid web site. The free online service has the advantage of less cost and less hassle to join, while the paid site may have more advertising that brings in more customers, although this is by no means guaranteed. Here are just a few of the reasons why people choose to use an online service in order to find their dating opportunities.

Add to their friendships

People sign up for membership with a free online dating service in order to increase their circle of friends. A dating site is intended to be more than a social site, but friendships are often a preliminary step before dating someone. The more people you know, the more people who are likely to share one or more of the characteristics you deem important in a potential life partner. Choosing a mate is not the primary focus for many dating site users. They simply want to connect with other people of like lifestyles and interests.

Just want to date

There are other people who become members of a free online dating service web site in order to find people to date. They may or may not want to form long term friendships. They may just want to go out with another person once or twice and then move on to the next. So long as that is understood by both parties to the activity, people who are just looking for someone to date can find the dating site to be very useful. It's rather like using a computer program to sort the entries by priority order utilizing the standards you set. This can save a great deal of time.

Looking for a long term relationships

When a person enters a free online dating service web site for the purpose of committing to a steadfast long term relationship, they will sometimes pick the right person from a list of potential partners almost by accident. There is nothing to make light of in that prospect. A dating site allows you to get to know another people and determine if this is the person you want to commit to a long term relationship. If you choose to be cautious at each level of the relationship, it is more likely that your relationship will be a positive one.


The person who chooses to log in to the free online dating service at 2 am in the morning while dressed in the most casual attire is just as welcome as the person who only interacts with people while dressed in a power suit and tie. In fact, you can conduct the preliminary visiting and cyber dating while at your most relaxed. Choosing the times when you want to 'date' is easy when the contact is made through an internet web site. Choosing the way you want to dress is also a convenience offered by online dating.

Online Dating Service or Free Online Dating Service constitutes the best resource on the internet for a free dating service. Choose this web site for a multitude of informative and interesting bits of knowledge and you can also join one free today.

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Saturday, June 21, 2008

Signs That Your Woman Is Sexually Satisfied

Signs That Your Woman Is Sexually Satisfied

By Francis Githinji

Men are sometimes confused because it is not easy to tell whether their women are sexually satisfied. Finding her G-spot and stimulating it was not easy and making her orgasm really makes you sweat but you do not know the signs to check for to decide on when to stop after you are sure that she is sexually satisfied. To know for certain that your woman is thoroughly pleased without asking "honey, did you come?" is easy. If you ask her that all the time is redundant and sometimes even when she tells you you do not believe her. To know whether she is happy with the sex you are giving her, watch for the following signs. When her nipples hardened and she is squirting, panting and yelling. This indicates that she is loving what you are giving.

Do not feel like kicking yourself when your woman starts crying after orgasm. It is a good sign that she is sexually satisfied. Women are swept by a wave of emotion after the good feeling of sex. If your woman starts crying or collapses after she reaches a climax you should clap for yourself because she is too satisfied. Another sign that she is sexually satisfied is that she falls asleep. A trait that shows that he has to get a nap to recuperate from the exhaustion of sex. The orgasm makes the woman feel so spent and drained that all she needs is sleep. Hold her in your arms and join her. Among the signs is that she hugs you so tightly and intimately after the action. This indicates that it was a moving experience for her and she likes you as she likes it.
She might really want to fix for you a snack you enjoy so much after sex but she cannot walk. If her legs are shaking and quivering you have proved to be a man. You were good at it if she needs some few minutes to recover from her orgasmic effects before she can get out of bed. It is a good sign if she keeps on talking about the experience long after it is done. If she chats about the sex positions you put her in, the great sensations or better still she keeps mumbling the same sexy words over and over again it shows she can't get over the good experience you shared. The last sign that she is sexually satisfied is when smiles like a freak. You must be familiar with what i am talking about. There are times when your woman is unable to wipe out that smile off her face off course thanks to you. If you watch out for all these signs and you recognize them, kiss her for no reason.

Your woman will be sexually satisfied and dying to have more from you. Chances are that she will fill in her girlfriends about what a stallion you are. I know you like what that means. If things do not work out well between you two her friends will be so willing to replace her. To sum it up, do not expect every woman to bite, scratch and yell during sex. These are the signs men watch out for and yet many women are calm in bed. A violent woman in bed is considered to be best in revealing her satisfaction but i differ because a woman relaxes and waits to feel the pleasure as it is given to her.

Francis K. Githinji Is A Online Dating Expert. His Latest Project Sexually Satisfied Shows How The Power Of Online Dating Can Be Harnessed Internationally and With Great Success, Or You Could Post Your Valued Comments On His Blog At Sexually Satisfied.

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Friday, June 20, 2008

Attract Girls In Bookstalls and Bookshops

By Alex Coulson

Picking up women in libraries

Bookshops are a fantastic location to pickup smart women as they’re always crowded (especially the massive libraries) with women who have more going for them apart from their beauty.

Picking up in bookstalls has always been my special gift, as the women there tend to be very intellectual and talkative.

Below you will find some advice when it comes to picking up women in libraries.

Library Pickup Tip#1 Don’t look like you’re in the library just to pick up. If you look like a man on a mission wandering aimlessly around chatting to random women then eventually other women will start to notice. Pick up an interesting hardcover book with a colorful cover (something that’ll get women’s attention and something you can talk to her about) ideas are travel books to interesting locations, Moroccan cookery, yoga for dummies, art books and if you’re in a good-humored frame of mind you could have a copy of the bible (tell her you’re a freelance author and you’ve decided to re-write it).

Bookstall Pickup Tip#2 Don’t stay around her before approaching her as this seriously creeps girls out, women in libraries are easily approachable and talkative (you will see when you try it) so when you spot an attractive woman in a libraries indifferently stride up to her, and start a conversation with her using some of the underneath conversation starters unique to bookstalls:

Starting conversations in bookstalls should be done in a relaxed, welcoming tone and always smile guys! * fantastic book …you should definitely read it would you like to know how it ends??

*Hi there, I just noticed you and I have to say you’re remarkably cute … I would regret it not talking to you, my name is Alex …

bear in mind to keep smiling (even if you don’t fee like it) and don’t remain to long before approaching as you may talk yourself out of doing it. Now go pick up some hotties in the library!

Want to learn the best way to approach, attract and seduce women without fear? If so, take a look at Alex Coulson’s Free Audio Ebook that provides top tips when it comes to attracting women in your life.

Alex Coulson has been a core leader in the ever evolving dating industry, he holds cutting-edge dating workshops/courses every weekend around Australia and regularly holds dating seminars on attracting women internationally.

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Thursday, June 19, 2008

Loving Unavailable Men: A Dangerous Disorder Among Women

By Francis Githinji

Getting over a lost love is sometimes the hardest thing most of us have gone through. Sometimes it affects our love lives to great depths. This in some cases leads to some women falling in love with unavailable men. If you listen to some people who are in love frustrations, they probably were in an affair ten years ago, it did not work out but they never got over it. I even know of a girl who is still in love with a guy who got another girl's number on their first date out. There are women who have a tendency of loving unavailable men. They even love men who they are sure have girlfriends. They rarely trust their judgement where men are concerned. This is a symptom of a dangerous issue. Chasing the wrong men might appear to be the problem here but i disagree.

It is evident that youth relationships influence our dating habits when we become full grown adults. If you are still chasing and loving unavailable men, chances are that you are subconsciously trying to fix the past broken relationships. This might also be as a result of a need to establish a deep connection similar to the one you experienced ten years ago. Such men might be appearing like a missing symbol in your life. You can still heal from this disturbing love disorder. To fix this problem, begin by trying to figure out which need would provoke you to prove your worth by chasing unavailable men. List them down including your childhood disappointments: The day your loving father forgot to pick you up from Sunday school. Anything you feel that might be missing in your past or present life.

During this important exercise, come up with better ways of filling in the missing links and appreciate yourself. Once the missing delights are replaced you will be able to have healthy romantic relationship with available men. If you find out that other activities apart from dating can give you happiness, you will notice life without men can also be enjoyable. If you get preoccupied with other activities you will date when it happens with much ease. If you can go back to your most genuine love, you didn't hunt for it. You just found yourselves dating and loving every bit of it. Concentrate on other recreational activities and love will definitely find you when you least expect it. Loving unavailable men is like striving after the wind, you will never pin them down.

Self acceptance is a great ingredient to rewarding relationships. The space you set aside for healing is important since your future lover will not have a lot of work trying to raise your self-esteem. It is important to have a self-evaluation before proceeding to another relationship. Give yourself time and get your priorities right, it is better to remain single and happy instead of bearing the sorrows of loving unavailable men. It is advisable not to venture into a new relationship if you have not overcome that hangover from the previous relationship. You will end up using your previous partner as a yardstick to measure your new catch. This is an injustice as people are different and a new relationship come with a whole new experience.

Francis K. Githinji Is A Online Dating Expert. His Latest Project Loving Unavailable Men Shows How The Power Of Online Dating Can Be Harnessed Internationally and With Great Success, Or You Could Post Your Valued Comments On His Blog At Loving Unavailable Men

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Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Relationships Are Above All

By Moshee Net

Wealth, time, friends and family are considered to be the most important things in ones life. And all these factors fall under a single parameter called relationship. It is the fact that when you work on relationships, the rest will follow. Relationships are the key to being successful and living the life to the fullest.


Every one would have studied in high school that man is a social animal. What does that actually mean? It means that, human beings are social creatures who need to constantly meet and interact with people and create relationships with them. Interaction and communication through certain relationships are the qualities of a human being and these relationships are those which make humans different from animals.


Relationships are what our lives are made up of and happy relationships are very much needed for a happy and satisfied life. A man’s mental health, happiness, self-esteem and the ability to work is greatly influenced by relationships. However, an effective networking is needed to build meaningful relationships. Networking can be well defined as, "identification and building of relationships for the purpose of sharing information, opportunities and resources. Remember that the most powerful asset in the 21st century is nothing but relationship. Your ability to shape the relationship is the factor that will help to determine your level of success in life.

Relationships shape well when you fully agree with the fact that there is inherent value in every human being and every human relationship. However networking works the best when you understand the fact that there are very little you can achieve or have in life without working with other people.


A relationship can be a great way learning about yourselves and others. Good relationship makes you feel safe and supported. It also helps one to share ideas and feelings, laugh and enjoy someone’s company Relationships bring happiness because, shared joy is double joy and shared sorrow is half sorrow.


Build healthy relationships to make a happier living. Nowadays there are lots of mediums available to build sound relationships. Ranging from Internet chats and dating websites to night clubs, there are lots of platforms to get the desired type of relationship you need. Don’t wait for relationships to come to you, you should go to it. So what are you going to do to begin building relationships today? Visiting a night club or spending some happy hours in e-mail chats? Whatever it may be, get it done soon because procrastination is the greatest robber of relationship!

The author writes articles on relationships. For more information about San Fernando Valley Singles, Glendale singles, Studio City Singles, Beverly Hills Singles can be found on the net.

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Sharing Space and Time in a Relationship

By Alison Sardelli

Perhaps one of the most difficult aspects of a relationship is the changing of behavior which is suited to only the individual and not the couple. Many people have little desire to change the style in which they live in order to accommodate a new person and in some cases have great difficulty adapting to any compromise at all.

Making an effort to appreciate and taking the time to be considerate of one’s partner are obvious changes a single person must make when entering into a relationship. Focusing on the sharing of actual space and time can be more difficult to pinpoint as a source of anxiety in a relationship, because one often takes the smaller issues, however many, for granted.

Part One: From "Myspace" to "Ourspace":

Decorating: Whether a person is moving into another’s residence, or the couple seeks out a new location to begin their life in; all people need to have space in their home that is comfortable. Many disagreements take place on the subject of décor alone, especially when one person has a more dominant presence in the relationship. It is typical that women, (or the more feminine partner of the couple,) tend to take charge of the majority of decoration; which for many couples works well until the alternate partner feels as though no spot in their home reflects their personality. Without a comfortable home, or place in the home, many people tend to become agitated and seek to separate themselves from their partner by staying out late or avoiding the home in general. It is wise to always consider one’s partner, even if one finds their taste to be disagreeable, when creating a living environment. When a home becomes overwhelmingly one sided in its’ décor it can reflect an enormous lack of communication and understanding in the relationship, which can lead to many other difficulties.

Respecting Privacy: Even during the most romantic and enjoyable periods of a relationship couples will often find that they each need a little time to themselves. Respecting each other’s privacy and need for this personal time is an essential component in a relationship and the lack of either can present many problems. Wishing to have one’s privacy does not mean that one wishes to be secretive or to keep hidden certain aspects of one’s life; often it allows both individuals to retain the personality traits and mental introspection that indeed helps to create a healthy line of new communication between the two people.

Visitors and Friends: In an ideal situation neither partner would befriend an individual that the other partner found objectionable; however, often friendships that were founded before the relationship began can be difficult to maintain during its’ coarse when those friends have been previously accustom to having a single friend; likewise the partner in the relationship built a friendship(s) as a single person and may also find the transition difficult to navigate. When referring to shared space it is incredibly important to consider one’s partner. Those people that might previously have encouraged friends to drop in unannounced may find that with addition of a partner this behavior is unacceptable. Problems caused when one partner keeps a friend that the other partner particularly dislikes can also be a great source of stress when that friend is invited into the home the couple shares.

One of the most famous clichés of today’s society, when referring to the average couple, is that the male must ask the female’s permission to invite friends into their home; in turn, it is a common complaint amongst males that they feel suffocated by this demand and tend to idealize a single life in which no permission need be granted. Personally, I find this to be a ridiculous power struggle in which the male is made to look like a child and the female a controlling shrew. When one shares a home with their partner is it polite to ask if their partner might have any objections to a visitor, not because permission need be given, but simply because it is polite to consider the plans of a person one lives with. If the visitor should be one that is greatly disliked by a member of the couple, discussing the reasons for this dislike together and without hostility can be of great assistance. Perhaps in extreme cases a particular friend should not be invited into the home and should be visited elsewhere if the individual and the objecting partner are very uncomfortable with each other, but this is often an extreme case that can be brought to a more reasonable conclusion if discussed rationally.

Respective Chores: Though seemingly an easy problem to divide chores amongst two people this problem can be the source of many difficulties and agitation if responsibilities are neglected. More often than an individual purposely refusing to aid in the maintaining of the home, one finds that the two members do not agree on how the maintaining should be accomplished or what the overall standards should be. Again this topic is one that can be easily discussed if addressed calmly and not neglected; if one member constantly "cleans up" after another for example, eventually arguments are likely to occur before the issue address in a reasonably manner. Be sure to assign tasks that both people feel comfortable with, along with a standard that can be agreed upon to avoid needless agitation.

Entertainment in the Home: With a wide variety of home entertainment possibilities it is only natural that many couples may find that they have different interests. In some cases couples will adapt by taking an interest in each other’s activities so that they can better share the space they live in; when the desired activities conflict it is important to remember that when it comes to entertainment all is a matter of opinion and that the space must be shared.

A classic example of this conflict over space sharing might be one that has been often seen on popular sitcoms: The male in the couple wishes to place a pool table or other such "gaming" furniture in a spare bedroom, the female wishes to make up the room with more traditional furnishings that have a tendency to be very feminine in looks; the outcome of this seemingly comical situation is often that the female refers to the males wishes as "childish" and that her style is the more "grown-up" of the two and should therefore be implemented. This kind of blatant disregard for one partner’s wishes maybe over looked on television, but it not so lightly felt in real life. To indicate that a source of entertainment is childish and therefore is unacceptable to request is an assumption that could be applied to any situation if the culture or society called for it to be. The furnishing of a room in flowery curtains and a matching bed might be called practical or might just as easily be compared to the familiar ritual of a "girl’s tea party." Arguments for which partner has the more practical idea, the better idea or simply resorting to insulting each other’s ideas are not a productive ways to either decorate or relax in a home. Instead one should always be ready to discuss the pros and cons of ideas from either person, so that together they may find a reasonable way to share the space needed for those activities which help to relieve stress and bring joy to their lives.

When it comes to your partner’s interests: try not to insult their taste or prevent them from enjoying their chosen activities and if possible, try to keep an open mind about particular tastes you may have overlooked prior to entering into your relationship.

Part Two: Time Making, the Watch you can stop:

Listening: Though for some the ability to stop talking and simply allow their partner to speak may not be an easy task, it is an essential for any good relationship. On the surface such an ability may seem simple, however, the art of listening has many working components: Refraining from interruption or undesired advice, body language that reflects the attitude of someone who is attentively hearing the person who they are listening to and retaining the information given so that it may be recalled at a later time are all constant in an good listener. Too often arguments not only escalate but cannot be resolved simply because one or both partner’s refuse to truly listen.

Taking and interest in their interests: Even if one finds nothing particularly captivating about the hobbies, activities or other interests in their partners life, (though if all of the above apply one might want to reconsider one’s choice in a partner,) to give a reasonable amount of undivided attention to those interests allows one’s partner to feel cared for, to feel attended to or even simply: loved. If one’s partner feels as though they are unable to share any of the burdens or triumphs, however large or small, with their partner the relationship often begins to dissolve in many ways and often a new person is found in which to confide; in some cases this can even be a source of infidelity.

Mighty-Mini Vacations: A day or weekend away from the normal routine can breathe fresh life into a stale relationship no matter how long a couple has been together. Take the time, however busy your life(s) might be to get away and explore both the world and each other. There are times when changes have taken place in one’s partner that were not obvious when buried in a daily routine; discovering these new aspects of one’s partner can at times be like falling in love all over again.

Something Special: Every now and then taking the time to do something truly special for one’s partner is an excellent way to show how much you love them. Expense may impress certain individuals, more often though it is "The thought that counts;" a little money and a great thought can go a long way. Paying close attention to the particular interests one’s partner may have, from collectables to special dining establishments, can be not only a way to show you care, but that you are paying attention to the person your partner is. Bringing any two people together to live each day will inevitably cause conflicts at one time or another, however, with consideration and a willingness to compromise; the stamina to endure these conflicts and continue to work toward a common goal; and finally, the patience, love and understanding of the person with whom you have chosen to share your life; any relationship can be an amazing success and one of the truly miraculous events in your life.

Many years of advice has enabled Alison (Katt) to diagnose specific problems and offer solutions on the subjects of dating and relationships. Visit to read about helpful tips and submit questions of your own.

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Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Ten Worst Gifts For A New Relationship

By Francis Githinji

Gifts say a lot about the value we place in a partner. If you are ready to pay the price it shows that you anticipate good results out of the relationship. If you truly value your lover you should get a gift which will cost you something. You have to sacrifice something in order to pay the price. It can either be money, time or anything else you hold dear to you. The sacrifice you make is one of the most important gifts for new relationships. If you buy something cheap and common for a gift it will be interpreted that you consider your lover cheap and common. This will be worse especially if it is a new relationship. The first impression matters a lot so sacrifice for something unique and expensive. Avoid worst gifts for a new relationship.

You are in a new relationship and for sure love is in the air. You are right well ahead of holidays and the last thing you want is to kill your anticipated romance with bogus gifts. Here is some dating advice to help you stay on track by doing whatever you can to avoid gifts that can cut short your romance trip. I will highlight ten worst gifts for a new relationship top on the list. The worst gift for a new relationship might be a jewelry especially if it is a ring. The recipient might be nervous at the fast rate of unfolding events. Give a jewelry when you are ready to propose. It might appear as if you are in too much haste. A gift is a great expression of how a person perceives another and what crosses their mind when they think about them. This stresses the point that it might be the tool that shapes or breaks a relationship.

Purchasing lingerie or body wears become worst gifts if you do not know the exact size. It steams a lot of arguments. It is considered too intimate and it might send the wrong signal. Giving out chocolate or flowers while unaccompanied with something else shows you did not put any thought into the gift. It shows little thinking if any. How do you even think of animals? It is among the top ten worst gifts for a new relationship. My friend received a bunny rabbit from someone she had just started dating and it was over the day that followed. Nothing feels bad like a lover who puts his/her interests first. A ticket for a sport event will send the message that you are selfish if your partner is not a fan of sports. Get selfless gifts.

What about work-related gifts? They are worst gifts for a new relationship. As much as they would promote productivity and efficiency at the work place, they will be a turn off for holiday romance. An important tip is that do not give out an item you have already given out in the past. It becomes monotonous and even if it worked in the previous relationship it might not work in this new relationship. Number ten on the list of worst gifts for a new relationship is a gift that will suggest that your new catch needs to change his/her way of life. It simply shows that you are not ready to take them in as they are.

Francis K. Githinji Is A Online Dating Expert. His Latest Project Worst Gifts For A New Relationship Shows How The Power Of Online Dating Can Be Harnessed Internationally and With Great Success, Or You Could Post Your Valued Comments On His Blog At Worst Gifts For A New Relationship.

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Memory and Relationship

By Kashif Ali

These relationships should never be handled with carelessness. We think our ego supersedes everything and what we do not realize is that we are putting ourselves in ashes and when we will regret one day and will turn back to check what have we lost and then there will be heap of ash and nothing else.

A relationship is a perfect similitude of a glass, if broken then it can never attain its original form. Those little sharp pieces can be joined by some glue but the feeling of breaking does not go away ever. Do not fly by your ego, vanity is a poison and it gives nothing but death of emotions and passions of heart and soul.

Time is something which can not be ceased. Clocks can't be stopped. Days and moments will never come back. Growth, either physical or mental or emotional, is never on hold. Memory is all that an individual eventually finds left behind. A memory can be sweet, comprising of moments we shared with our dear ones, some laughter, many caring faces and cute smiles come in to mind and make us happy even in our pensive mood or it can be full of grief and pathos. I always wondered why people frequently go to graveyards to see their beloved underneath abundance of dust. What does pull them? Yeah, the memory pulls them out of their home, offices, restaurants etc and forces them to go there where a grave is indicating that someone you loved is under me, I am holding that person and I am a symbol of your beloved one. Though, you're weeping and sighing but it is not useless; your beloved can hear it and does hear it and see it all. If it is not true then you would not be here for just focusing your eyes on a cross and an old grave.

I still remember my grandma's love and care; affection and favors even after 15 years since she died. I was hardly 12 years old;I do not even remember her face correctly, but i do remember all my naughtiness and her love in response, whenever I found myself in trouble of domestic /outside nature, her helping me out and what else the loving smile and the excitement she instantly had on her face whenever she used to see me and always giving me a hug. These are all memories , which make me realize that there was someone who cared for you , loved you , helped you and occupy a firm place in your heart even today. This is the sole reason of all the tears I have on my face, rolling down briskly on to my cheeks, my heart feels the pain, my mind experiences the agony but this mere "memory" of my grandmother makes me cheerful and I strongly feel that she still loves me and cares for me; it does not matter that she is now dead, and it does not matter that I am standing before her grave.

Kashif Ali

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Friday, June 13, 2008

Why Does A Relationship Get Boring After A While? You Must Know This Before It's Too Late

By Pushpa Pal Singh

So why does it happen? You see no matter how well the relationship might start there will always be a time when you would feel that things are not what they used to be and something seems to be missing. This is a stage where the relationship starts going down hill and you must do something immediately as your partner might dump you or even in some cases cheat on you. This is the reason why this is extremely important for you to know. Read on to discover some of the major reasons why a lot of relationships get boring after a while and what you can do about it.......

We stop focusing on out partner- This is one of the major reasons why a lot of relationships get boring after a while. You see a lot of people out there forget about their partner and get more self centered as the relationship progresses. We forget that a relationship is a mutually beneficial agreement and it can never survive unless both partners are happy.

We stop trying- You see in life when you stop doing things which are needed you start getting results you want to avoid. This same concept applies to your relationships as well. The moment you stop trying to make an effort your relationship would automatically get boring and you would not be able to get what you desire out of it.

We never try new things- Another reason why it gets boring is simply due to the fact that you know everything you need to know about your partner and he or she knows everything about so it just gets boring since there is nothing new in the relationship. This is the time you need to bring in new things into your relationship and maybe do something new every day so that it remains fresh.

What you don't know yet- Ever tried to wonder what's in a woman's mind? What is she thinking about? Do you know that women do not always mean what they say? They might say something and mean the exact opposite. But what do women actually want? Do you know there are some secrets women don't want men to know but men absolutely must know these secrets in order to succeed with women? Read on to discover some of the most "Shocking Secrets" women don't want men to know- 9 Most Shocking Secrets Women don't want men to know

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