Thursday, July 31, 2008

Regrets About the Past

By Isabella Kratz

Sometimes a wave of sadness overcomes me, and I begin to dwell on the past.

Rather than regretting what I did, I regret even more what I didn't do. I regret not marrying a rich man when I was twenty. Then I wouldn't have to work so hard now... Back then I was attractive, intelligent, and my skin was smooth. But my self-esteem was very low, and I felt I didn't deserve anything. Now I am more confident, but I am forty-five years old, have given birth to six children, and have lines on my forehead (from frowning too much), and around my eyes (from smiling too much). I want to have an easy life, but it's too late to look for a wealthy husband!

Anyway, we need to remember that abundance is in our hearts, not in our bank accounts. If we don't know how to enjoy life, then no amount of money will ever make us happy. I love my partner, even though he's not a millionaire. But he has a heart of gold, and he cares about me, and looks after my children as if they were his own. Yes, we do fight a lot, but that doesn't mean we don't love each other. I think that sometimes we love to hate each other... But we always make it up, and things constantly improve between us.

Instead of having regrets about the past and about missed opportunities, I prefer to focus on what I've got now, and I'm grateful for the kind and thoughtful man who lives by my side, even though he's not perfect. And neither am I!

by Isabell Kratz.

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